watching stars

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"where exactly are we going?" i ask.

"on an adventure, my friend!" he shouts through the streets.

i couldn't help by smile. from the moment i met him he has been nothing but sweet. i feel this instant connection between us.

"do you have any hobbies?" he questions, "other than stabbing a cool blade into your skin?"

i could feel the tension rise. my whole body tightened. 

 i stopped and stared at him for a moment. he gave me a smirk then continued to walk up the street.

"how did you know?"

"i've known a lot of people like you sweetheart." he stated, "i bet i know more about you than yourself."

i paused to process everything he had just said.

 i wanted to continue the conversation but i changed the subject so the tension would be released.

"do you enjoy school?"

he burst out laughing. 

i was getting more and more confused by the second. he soon stopped laughing and continued walking. 

before i had a chance to ask again he replied.

"i graduated last year. i was planning on heading to college but i got myself into a shit ton of trouble. now i'm here living with my grandparents till i get things back to normal."

i was in shock. i was expecting some story about his family moving east for better schools or something. it never crossed my mind that he was out of school. not that it mattered. 

a chill ran down my spine as the wind kicked in. i wrapped my arms around each other.

"don't worry, we're almost there." julian said. 

he came up behind me to put his jacket on my shoulders. i wanted to give it back to him, but it felt too nice against my skin. it smelled of smoke and old cologne.

a few blocks later and we stopped in front of an old tree. at first i was confused but then i looked up to see a small house sitting in the branches.

 i looked over to see julian climbing to the top. i pulled my hair back and followed his lead.

 as we reached the top he helped me inside. the house was small, looked like something i would've made in elementary school.

 there wasn't a roof on the top, which i realized why; watching stars.

 julian laid down on the floor of the house and pulled me beside him he then curled up next to me. he didn't say much after that.

 we laid there watching the stars for hours.

 i could feel his body shutting down as he was drifting away. his head was rested on my chest as i played with his hair. i started to feel my eyes get heavy. 

the stars started to fade.

i closed my eyes and listened to the sound of silence.


i woke up to the sound of music playing - julian had radiohead blasting through his phone speaker

i opened my eyes to see julian looking down at me. i smiled up at him as he gave me a kiss on my forehead. 

my body started to tingle. 

the little things boys can do to make a girl's heart race.

"let's go eat." julian started, "i know a fabulous diner not far from here."

we climbed out of the tree and headed towards the diner.

 from the looks of it we had been sleeping for a while. the sun was shining and everyone was already at work. 

as i tried figuring out the time i remembered what day it was; thursday.

 i had school today.

 i wanted to inform julian and start heading home, but who knows when i'll have another day like this.

 i erased the thought from my head.

 julian started getting closer to me as we got closer to the restaurant. i felt him put his arm around me.

 i looked up at him and my heart melted.

 his eyes were hypnotizing me. there was a crave. 

i was falling faster and faster; i was falling for the boy with the crystal blue eyes.  


thoughts so far??

can you believe zoe used to self harm?

what about there night in the tree house together? pretty magical if you ask me :) 

leave your thoughts below and i'll be sure to get back to you!

i will be adding more asap! 


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