Chapter Six: S.W.M.M

Start from the beginning

I open the first page, reveling a photo of myself and Marcus on our wedding day. I close the door immediately when I start to sob loudly. I muffle my sounds with the back of my hand and slowly slide down against the far wall.

Hunter comes in and sits at my feet with his paws covering his eyes. Sniffing, I take out my phone and dial Karla's number. After a few rings she picks up.

"Hello?" She says but my mouths dry and I can't seem to answer. "Is anyone there? No...I'm about to hang up now....Okay....Bye-" Before she puts down the phone, I finally speak.

"Karla." I croak.

"Tess? What's wrong?" Karla says sounding worried. I sniff and wipe my face before I talk.

"Could you come and pick me up?" I ask. I hear Marks voice and go quiet. "Please hurry." I squeak.

"Sure. What's wrong hun?" She says as I hear her rush around.

"You were right Karlz. He is cheating." I say and burst out crying. I hear Karla sigh from the other end and then curse under her breath.

"Where are you?" She asks.

"I-I arrived home e-early from Chicago." I stutter.

"I'll be right there. I promise." She says.

"Okay." I whisper.


"Yeah?" I sniff.

"Just hold it all in....Don't do anything stupid." She says. I go quiet for a few seconds.

"I..Please hurry up." I say, trying my best to stop crying. Karla mumbles a 'bye' before she hangs up.

I stand up from my spot and place the album in my bag. I creek the door open to find Marcus stretching at the end of the bed. The girl gets up and kisses him and he does the same.

I feel sick.

My hand shoots up to my mouth and I grab a plastic bag thats on the shelf and throw all the cream out of it and throw up. My breathing becomes heavier and heavier as I stand up and try to calm down but it's no use. All I want to do is kill them both. To confront them. But yet, I can't face him. Not like this. I know I have to at some point.

"Tessa!" Mark shouts. Shit.

I look through the small space in the door and watch him as he walks in with my bag. He curses under his breath and looks worried as he walks out the room. A few minutes later, he walks back in.

"Tess can't be here!" The women says. Tess? Who the fuck does she think she is.

The girl starts to pull her underwear on when I get a glimpse of her face. Nicole. My mum's niece, Nicole. My own family member is sleeping with my husband! We're like best fucking sisters.

I look down at my phone when it vibrates in my hand. Karla just texted. I quickly open her text as I glance at Nicole through the tiny gap.

Karlz: I'm outside. Want me to come in?

Tessa: I'm in my closet.

I hit the send button and look through the small gap again. Marcus runs towards the window when he hears a car park up front.

"Shit, get dressed." He tells Nicole and chucks her dress at her.

"Why is she home so early? She didn't come home early the last couple of times I came!" Nicole shouts as she balls up her dress in her hand.

"Because she probably wanted to suprise me." Marcus shouts clearly scared and frustrated. "Get dressed." He sighs.

Before Nicole could say another word, Karla walks in and belive me she looks fierce and tough with her black leather jacket and her skinny jeans, half covered with knee high boots.

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