Back to Normal, a Piece of Paper Signed by a Bunch of Old Dudes and a Cliff Dive

Start from the beginning

Sam Adams chuckles as he looks at the men around him before looking down at the Declaration of Independence. He then looks up at Connor and me. "You two are, once again, our saviors." Sam is one of the few men who respects me and doesn't underestimate me just because I am a woman. He knows I can kick his butt any day.

Connor and I are leaning against a wall behind the three men listening and watching them sign. When we are called out by Adams though, Connor grins lightly as he blushes and I smile letting my cheeks put on their natural pink blush.

"We must speak with the Commander," Connor says moving from the wall to the table Adams, Hancock, and Franklin stand around. I move to follow him as Connor rests his arms on the gun at his right and the sword at his left on his weapons belt.

"He's gone to hold New York," Sam says. "The British intend to take it. I fear we'll need to call our men from Quebec as well..." Sam walks up to us with a smile on his face. "It's one thing to declare our Independence. Now, my friends, we must make it so."

I smile as I say happily, "Happy first Fourth of July, everyone! Where's the fireworks?"


"God, could it get any hotter?"

"Maybe if you left the room it would be cooler."

"Shut up, Connor!"

I lay sideways on a small couch upstairs in the manor, my legs lay over Connor's lap a day after the signing of the Declaration of Independence. I have my long hair pulled into a messy bun on top of my head and my Assassin robes sit on a mannequin next to Connor's down stairs in the basement. I have my black tank top on over my dark blue skinny jeans and tall black boots. Connor has on the thin white shirt he wears under his robes out, black pants, and tall leggings over his moccasins. We hold no weapons or anything that would attract heat. It is another blazing hot day on the homestead. I hate these kinds of days, and that's coming from a girl who lived in south Texas.

Connor leans his head against the wall behind the couch closing his eyes as his arms resting over my feet and shins as he sighs.

"What?" I ask looking at him.

He glances at me. "I'm just thinking about the several hours I thought you were dead."

His answer shocks me. "Y-you though I was dead?"

Connor gives me a confused look as he moves his head to look at me. "Yes, Charles Lee told me that you were brutally murdered the night Mason helped me out of my cell to kill Thomas Hickey."

"I had no idea..." Why would they tell Connor that? "I was held captive for two days while you were in prison still having no idea where I was while I was unconscious for over twenty four hours. And when I woke up, your father was interrogating me on how you were alive and how I know everything that's happening."

"What did you tell him?"

"Nothing, really," I admit. "I freaked him out when I told him about the things he said in his journal and then I cut the ropes that bound me and then Haytham raised a gun to my head. Then I felt the same sensation of pain I felt in the back of my head before I blacked out when I tried to save you from the guards. I heard a gunshot. I don't know if I was shot or if someone else was. The last thing I remember was seeing your dad's face and how much struggle and pain were on it then... I blacked out." Connor listens intently to me as I talk. "Next thing I know, I'm being dragged up the steps of a wooden platform and thrown onto the gallows beside you."

"You do not remember anything else?" he asks.

I shake my head.

"What is my father like?"

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