"And Hinata... Don't get too upset... Hiashi told me what happened between you guys..." He stopped at the doorway.

"Oh... Yeah about that--"

"If this guy loves you like how you do, so much that you yelled at Hiashi...."


"Then he'll pull through too."

With that Neji left the room with a small smile.

"What....?" I questioned myself.

Did Neji just tell me to be with the man I love? Was he approving of me running away?

I had no idea at all. But his words meant a lot to me... After all I had looked up to Neji most of my life. He always did the right things and was so protective over our family.

Sakura entered the room, she had gone to eat lunch. She didn't talk, she just walked to our half packed suitcases and started throwing everything out.

"Sakura... Please stop this. You're gonna drive yourself insane." I got up from my chair by the widow and walked to her side.

"This is just something I do so I won't go insane." Sakura offered me a smile.

I laughed lightly and began to gather the thrown shirts and what not from the ground. She usually got angry when I would try to help but this time she just started folding.

After about repeating this process a few times, Sakura finally gave it rest. We sat next to each other in silence on the bed.

We stared at our toes for what seemed for a really long time. Then she picked up my hands and then we stared at both sets of our hands.

"So is this how we're spending our time now?" I asked Sakura.

"I wanna give you a Mani-pedi." She said plainly.

Sakura seemed to be more depressed about the marriage thing than I did. She said it's because she doesn't know what we're gonna do... Like I know any better than she does.


Sakura's emerald eyes lit up and she ran to Sasuke's bag that was in her possession.

She threw it on to the bed as well as her purse and pulled out a clear coat of polish from her purse. Then out of Sasuke's bag she dumped about fifteen different colors of nail polish onto the bed.

"Sasuke packs these?" I giggled.

"No silly! I already had too many bags so he let me use one of his." She smiled. "Now gimme your hand!"


Sakura didn't want to only give me one color or a color scheme, she said the wedding takes care of that. So have multicolored nails.

Neon pink
Dark blue
Crimson red
Neon yellow
"Naruto" orange (so she called it)
"Naruto" orange
Lime green
Dark purple

From my left pinkie to my right, those were the colors. She's about to do my toes all black then do designs on them.

It was actually relaxing.

"Ok now gimme 'dem toes..." She put on a creepy smile.

"Damn Sakura, stop being creepy!" I giggled.

"I'm just bored!"

She grabbed my toes and I scrolled through my news feed on my cellphone.

The door creaked open to reveal my brunette friend.

Yes Lady Hinata •NaruHina•Where stories live. Discover now