38. Oh my...

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38. Oh My...


"Elijah." I said, immitating his serious tone. He raised an eye-brow at me, and then walked forwards.

"Normally your strange actions entertain me, Nina. But as this is a serious conversation which we're about to begin, I'm going to have to ask you to be...serious."

"Okay dokay." I smiled. He glared at me. "Seriously? I said okay dokay. Am I not aloud to say okay dokay?"

Elijah shook his head. "No."

I sighed. "Fine. Now what's this serious conversation?"

"Well, I'm aware that you know you're half witch. And that has something to do with the curse you were born to break."

I nodded. "And what is this curse?"

"Basically, Klaus can still die. He can easily die if we attacked him. But whereas, if he kills you in 2 months time on the full moon, nothing will be able to kill him."

I took in a refreshing breath. "Ah. That's just...a little bit depressing. There's something that we can do though, right? I mean, we fixed it last time-"

"Nina, the only way that you can survive is if we kill Klaus before..or if you drink vampire blood before the sacrifice like you did last time."

I sighed, and then let my face fall into my hands. "Is there a good chance of us killing Klaus in 2 months?"

"It's a 50, 50 situation." He explained. "There's no way of telling. Klaus can change into a werewolf whenever he wants, and since he's weakest when in transition, it will be difficult."

"Life is so annoying at the minute." I groaned. "I'll go tell the others about this and we'll come up with something."

"Sounds like a good plan." Elijah nodded. "I'll be in touch."

With that, Elijah was gone.

*                                                                *                                                                         *

"That's depressing." Bonnie said as I told everyone everything Elijah had told me.

"I know." I agreed. "But there's half a chance that we might kill Klaus, and we have 2 months to do so. It's not too bad."

"Just know that I'm not gonna let him hurt you, Nina." Damon assured me.

I nodded. "I know you wont."


A.N) I know it's short but, i'm out of ideas at the minute! Have you seen my new Renesmee Cullen fan fic? It's under my works, and you'll all be super awesome if you read it!:) But you're already all super awesome since you read this!:)

i promise, a way better upload tomorrow!:)

Ciao amigos;)xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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