Chapter Eighty-Seven

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I sigh, "You can do it again." I say already giving up.

I'm too lazy to do anything even though I'm super excited about it all.

"You can help me though. What color do you want this time?"

"We did orange for Willow's room, what if we has green this time?" I shrug.

"I love that idea. Can I surprise you with a mural?"

"Of course. How about you can have control of what his room looks like and I can approve?" I say.

He chuckles, "Sounds good, because I already ordered some paint but they can't bring it until this weekend."

"Was that the surprise?"

"Part of it and there's more but you won't be allowed to know for awhile."

"It's for Rye's room?"

He nods.

"You spent a lot of money didn't you?"

He nods.

"That's okay." I laugh.

"But you're banned from his bedroom until further notice." Peeta tells me.

I snort, "Really?"

"Yep, I'll even put a lock on the door if I have to. I want to surprise you."

"You surprised me with Willow's bedroom. Why couldn't you with his?"

"Because I was able to get Willow's room finished within a few hours and I was home to make sure you stayed out of there. Now I can't watch you all the time." Peeta says smirking.

I scoff, "What? You don't trust me?" I ask him.

He chuckles, "I do not trust you not to peek in his room while I'm at work."

"I wouldn't."

"Yes, you would. You know you would, Princess." He says laughing.

I shake my head and he nods.

"I would not." I say crossing my arms.

We both know that I would.

"Katniss Mellark..." Peeta chuckles and stands up, stretching.


"You would totally look."

"I know." I groan and wraps his arms around me from behind and kisses my cheek.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you." I say back and he just smiles at me.

I laugh a little, "What?"

"Nothing. Everything is just perfect right now and I love seeing you so happy."

"I'm always happy."

"Not always but you're definitely happier than you have been."

"It's because I'm realizing that the fatter I get and the more uncomfortable I am the closer I am to holding him in my arms." I tell him with a laugh.

Peeta chuckles, "Just about four more months, baby. Four more months."

"I know."

"Four more months and our family will finally be complete. We will be holding him in our arms and Willow will not be an only child anymore and we will be parents to two beautiful children." He says mesmerizingly.

I close my eyes and imagine it, smiling happily as I lean back against his embrace.

I can't wait for that.

Finding the Missing Piece: Book 5Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant