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"Any memory loss?" The nurse asked.

"I don't think so.." I said. "is there anything specific I should know to tell?"

"Well, you know your name so that's good. You told me what happened before the crash. Can you describe that morning?" The doctor said.

"I was waiting on Michael's porch so I could drive him to school. We got in the car and asked each other questions like what my favorite tv show was. I remember everything." I responded.

"No memory loss. Write that." Dr. Wider told the nurse who nodded and obeyed.

"I think it's time to get some rest, honey." Ms. Lola said softly as the doctor left.

"I have a question, how long was I out for?" I asked.

"You had a minor coma so it will be two weeks, tomorrow." She responded.

"Do you know where Michael is?" I asked. "Is he okay?"

"Mr. Clifford is fine. He's still in a coma but he should wake up any day now." Ms. Lola shared. "But don't tell anyone I told you, I'm technically not allowed to tell you about other patients. But I see how much you care about him."

"Thank you, Ms. Lola."

"Sure, honey."


I jerked awake to a baby's wail. The monitor that was for my heart started going faster and louder.

"Sorry, bro." Jack said, trying to calm down Zoe.

I sighed and laid back down, "Its fine."

"How are you feeling?" He asked, rocking Zoe slowly.

"Stressed." I groaned. "Can I hold her?"

"Sure. Make sure you support her head." He instructed, carefully setting the baby in my arms.

"Hi, Zoe." I cooed at the 3 week year old. "Look at you, a little bean."

"You're so weird." Jack sighed.

"You're not old enough to know what this means." I whispered to Zoe before flipping Jack off.

"I'm going to steal you." I told Zoe. "Yes I am, you're very small and cute. Lil princess Zoe."

"Weird." Jack whistled.

"Like you don't talk to her like she's glass and can break if five seconds." I retorted.

I cuddled Zoe closer, not looking up when the door opened.

"I am very upset with you, Luke Robert Hemmings."

I groaned, "Mum."

"How many times have I told you to drive safe and wear a seatbelt?" Mum asked.

"But I was wearing a seatbelt." I said.

"And the lying! We had a deal about that-"

"But I was! I'm not lying!" I complained.

She crossed her arms over her chest, "Since when?"

"since I began dating Michael."


"Michael's being moved to a different room." Ms. Lola stated.

"Is that a good thing?" I questioned.

Ms. Lola smiled, "I think he'll like his new room very much."

She pushed the hospital bed around and out of the door. Calum and I followed her. Calum carried my backpack and I held his hand tightly.

Ms. Lola pushed the bed into another room, smiling widely.

"You're getting a new roommate, Luke."


Hiya guys

~Cookie Xx

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