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I gripped Luke's hand as we went through the kitchen. It was probably bigger than my living room. Louis handed us both red cups that were filled to the brim with some kind of fizzing, frosty liquid.

I automatically said thank you, a small force of habit, and he smiled and told me to drink it. Luke was already gulping it down, letting out an ahh when he finished it. I took a small sip.

It stung my throat as it went down and it had some kind of cinnamon in it. I kind of liked it though. I took a bigger gulp of the drink before handing it to Luke, who quickly chugged it down.

"Go play a drinking game, catch up with the rest of us." Louis gave Luke a strong pat on the back before disappearing into the crowd.

"What do you want to do?" Luke asked.

"We can go play the game if you want. I don't really know what you do at a party like this." I responded.

"You mainly drink and dance. We can do the game then dance for a little." He suggested.

I gave him two thumbs up; it was too much work to yell over the loud music. He gripped my waist and pushed me infront of him as we went into a gaming room.

Now this was certainly bigger than my living room. Two ping pong tables sat near the back, a big dinner table in the middle. Along the walls were different video games, PAC Man and other arcade games.

Luke pulled me to the table were some boys were throwing a coin into a small glass filled with liquid. A boy with dyed red hair handed Luke the coin. He easily shot it in the glass, some of the liquid splashing out.

Everyone took a drink out of similar glasses. It was pretty boring, if this is what happens at parties, I don't see the point.

"Want one?" Luke asked, holding a glass out to me.

I took the drink in one quick sip. I liked it just as much as I like whatever was in the red solo cup earlier.

"Can I have another?" I asked.

Justin smirked and gave me another one, "better watch him. He's going to have more fun that you."

Luke laughed and pulled me closer, throwing another quarter at the cup. He missed.

"Drink up." A girl slurred, handing the blond a bottle already more than half empty.

Luke breezily took the glass and brought it to his lips. After taking a gulp, he handed it to me. I copied his actions and took a sip. It was hard not to drop the heavy glass as my hand started shaking.

"All the alcohol getting to you?" Justin asked.

"Dancing helps. Let's go." Luke said, taking my hand.

"Okay." I agreed.

"Yeah, dancing." Justin said, "more like."

"Follow." Luke said quickly before Justin could say what he wanted to.

I couldn't follow him, considering he was pushing my through the crowds. More people had arrived, packed into the huge house.

I felt myself stumble over my own feet and my whole body felt that tingling feeling my hands were feeling a few minutes ago.

"You okay?"


Michael nodded, taking my hand tightly. He stumbled again and I held in a small chuckle.

We stopped in the semi-middle of the room, a cheesy disco ball, a few feet away, strung from the high ceiling. Michael turned around to face me, holding his hands out for me to take.

"What are you doing babe?" I asked, letting his dainty little hands hold mine.

He scrunched his nose up, "don't like being called babe."

"What do you want to be called?" I questioned, watching as he stepped from side to side and swinging our hands.

He gave a small hum in response, twirling slightly. I stared down as his skirt, the soft fabric swaying.

"Kitten?" I said.

He shook his head and continued dancing. Michael twirled under my arm and swatted down before breezily popping back up.

He giggled and pulled my arm around him as his back touched my chest. Mikey let go of my hands and danced freely for a few moments until my hands grabbed his hips.

"Dance against me." I whispered in his ear.

He obeyed, -just like I knew he would- he leaned his head back slightly and grinded down on me.

"Like this?" Michael asked innocently, his hand finding one of my belt loops to tug on.

"Just like that Baby boy."


I am sick and have a physical for volleyball tomorrow so yay

~Cookie Xx

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