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"Wanna see something cool?" Luke whispered.

"Like what?" I asked, closing my locker.

"It's like a red carpet. But its not red or a carpet. "

"So its nothing like a red carpet." I replied.

"Just come on." Luke whined, taking my hand.

Obediently following, I cringed as I saw the almost the whole student body was trying to get out of the building. Luke didn't slow down, almost dragging me and my shuffling feet.

"Chin up. Trust me." Luke whispered.

Listening, I caught up with his pace and watched in amazement as people moved out of the way, creating a pathway for us.

I had this weird feeling in my stomach as we made our way to the door. Someone even opened the door for us. Everyone was staring, everyone was listening.

As soon as we were near Luke's car, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"That is weird, creepy and cool all at the same time." I stated.

"I know right." Luke said, climbing into the car. "I was heading for Science and noticed the way people scattered out of my way. I wanted to see what would happen if we both walked down the hall."

"I'm so used to being the person to move not the one in the middle of the hallway." I told him as I buckled my seatbelt.

I saw Luke buckle his as well. Maybe his mom yelled at him because it was the first time I've seen him do it.

"Well, now you're the center of attention."


"It's scary." Michael whispered.

I pulled my hand away from the ignition before I could twist the keys. The keys jingled against eachother.

All this time I thought that was what Michael wanted, to be popular, the center of attention.

 I was wrong, I was so wrong.

 He liked being the quiet, cheery boy that whispered and passed notes to his two friends. If I broke up with him, even if this was a fake act, he would be even less popular then he was now, probably getting beat up and abused by Louis and his posse.

I quickly unbuckled my seatbelt, this is why I don't wear it, it gets in the way.

"What are you-"

I slammed my lips into his as hard as I could, letting the electricity and sparks fly. Michael's hand went to my hair and the other went to the back of my neck where he pulled me closer.

I blindly found his hips, my thumbs could feel the lace the hiked-up skirt didn't cover.

Surprised to feel his tongue on my bottom lip, I opened my mouth and let him roam my mouth. I carefully pulled away, breathing heavily.

Michael had a hard time trying to catch his breath as well, his cheeks a faint pink.

"What.." I took a deep shaky breath. "What would you say if I asked you out? Make this real?"

"I'd." He had to take a deep breath as well before continuing. "I'd say kiss me you idiot."

Doing just that, I laced our fingers together.

 I was finally happy.


U have no clue how long I been waiting to write that and u were probably wondering when it was going to happen :-) well, there ya go

~Cookie Xx

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