The Other (part 5/7)

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Yes, we have suffered many things, but despite our struggles we have done what we needed to carry on. We are able to endure all this because we know how to laugh. We laugh at you, we laugh at ourselves, and we laugh because it heals the sorrowful heart.

Laughter is what keeps us going, but it is through our women that we carry on. Although there has been bloodshed on both sides, there has also been some good that has come out of our colliding worlds. Love. Yes, some of us have found love and even happiness.

It is easy to get weighed down on the horrible things that have happened and are happening, but dwelling too much on these things will do us no good.

Some of your men took our women as wives and fell in love. Funny that some of you turned “native”, but what is colonization and assimilation compared to the power of love?  

They fell in love and out from this sprang a new people. They are a mixed breed that represent the blending of our nations.

You often describe the land as a woman, so as we share the land with you we also share each other with you. We never drew lines to divide up the land, nor have we drawn lines to separate you from us. You have tried to make up maps and boundaries, but when you’re drawn to a place or a person, nothing can hold you back from crossing over your arbitrary lines.

Our women hung on to our ways and shared our knowledge with your men. If it wasn’t for our “exotic” women then history would have been quite different. Who knows, maybe you never would have learned about our land if it wasn’t for our women! But that’s ok, fall in love with our women, cleave to her and become one flesh like your Holy Book ascribes you to do. Just treat our women kindly and respectfully. Back in those days she may have known how to skin an animal, but our women are no lower than your own.

note: This is the fifth part of a short story for the Summer 2013 Writing Challenge. Each day the genre will change, this part plays with the "chick lit" genre.

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