The Other (part 4/7)

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We had our wars and experienced bloodshed before you came, but some of your people have done some truly horrific acts on us, the peoples of this land.

We were willing to coexist in this land with you, but you wanted it all to yourselves.

Just as you raped and murdered us, you have defiled the land and the all the life which it supports.

Sometimes I can still smell the blood in the air. Like when I flip through the pages of your history books - the leafs are crusted with our blood.

You praise your heroes who came to this land, the people whose feet led the way, their feet being the ones that stomped on us. We cried and still cry, fought and still fight to defend. But you did not listen. Now you raise up statues to honour the men who have crushed us in order for to make room for yourselves.

When you saw you could not kill all of us you then come up with the idea of assimilation: turn us into you. With this, you hoped to rid of our culture and ways.

You took our children away from us so that they could grow up to be you. Our mouths would be washed with soap when we spoke in our languages - “English, English, speak English!” you would say.

You taught us to be ashamed of who we are, then after class you would rape the innocent - what kind of school is this?

You banned our ceremonies and gatherings. Your tried to divide us in hopes to conquer us, but we will not be conquered.

note: This is the fourth part of a short story for the Summer 2013 Writing Challenge. Each day the genre will change, this part is "horror".

The OtherOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora