12. It's One of Those Random Days

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Mario: It's a one of those days

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Mario: It's a one of those days.

Peach: What kind of day is that.

Mario: One of those  days no one asks anything or dares us to do anything. Which means.......we have this whole day to ourselves.

Peach: *blushes*

Mario: So..uhhhh..why don't we....

Papyrus: Howdy Ho, how is the princess and this chubby Italian plumber doing huh?

Papyrus: Howdy Ho, how is the princess and this chubby Italian plumber doing huh?

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Mario: I'll be outside

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Mario: I'll be outside. *leaves*

Peach: Oh OK.


Sans: Hey Shadow.

Shadow: Whaaaaaat.

Sans: You wanna hear some puns.

Shadow: You make one pun and you'll find you face on the other side of this planet.

Sans: That could be pretty hard to do. You might have to plan it.

Shadow: Why would I have to plan anything, I just take you a cliff and smash your head into the ground until we eventually arive in China.

Sans: I think your a bit ahead of yourself. Don't you think that's kind of edgy?

Shadow: I'm always edgy. Hence the name Shadow.

Sans: I dunno. You might be edgy because you have you have a dark secret.

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