6. So Many Questions!

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Mario: Oh my god.

Sans: What, what's going on.

Mario: We just got 4 new questions and 1 new dare.

Papyrus: Really? Let's hope those questions are for me.

Mario: Sorry, but they're not. I think we should do the dare first.

Peach: What's the dare?

Mario: Sonic! You have to be everyone's butler for an entire day.

Sonic: What! Why me? Why can't it be Luigi? He's dumb enough to do anything anyone says.

Luigi: Hey! I'm not dumb.

Tails: What's 1+1?

Luigi: Huh...hehuhm it's a...4?

Tails: *face palms* Luigi, what's your first name?

Luigi: I know this one, I know this one. It's on the tip of my tongue. *thinks very hard*

Amy: OK, while LUIGI figures out what his name is.....

Luigi: Ohhhhhh, it's Joey! Right?

Amy:..........let's look at the questions.

Mario: OK, to me. do I ever work out?!

Tails: Uh Oh, here we go.

Mario: Do I work out?! Do I work out?!!!! I performed in the Olympic Games, I play baseball, basketball, golf, soccer, hockey, and I'm a professional dancer! AND YOU ASK IF I FREAKING WORK OUT!!!!

Sans: Jeez Mario, calm down.


Sonic: How about I just ask the questions now. Won't that be nice Mario.

Toad: No, your everyone's butler now. So start rubbing my feet. Get me a glass of lemonade, a lounge chair, some books, a TV, and a girlfriend. And get all that using YOUR money.

Sonic: Oh god, Toad gets a little taste of power and he goes all out. Fine.

Luigi: I'll ask the questions then! *grabs the paper* Ok let's see. To all of us, um.....doo......yo..u....t..heink Amy and Sonic....well....uh

Tails: Give me the paper. *grabs the paper* To everyone, do you think Amy and Sonic will ever get together?

Shadow: No, not at all.

Peach and Amy: I sure hope so.

Papyrus: I think she looks better going out with me. Because I'm so awesome.

Sans: Please, you ask out tons of women and they all say no! Get cause your a skeleton.

Tails: Who would get that? It doesn't even make sense. *looks back at the paper* OK, to Sonic, who is not here at the moment. Do you think Eggman will ever give up on trying to take over the world. *laughs* I wish.

Sonic: *rushes into the room* Eggman? Stops trying to take over the world? What kind of stupid question is that. Everyone knows the answer to that. No, why would he, he's insane.

Luigi: All very true.

Tails: I need someone to retrieve Cream for me, this last question is for her.

Toad: I'll do it, I'll do it. Let me do it!

Yoshi: Yo, me me me me me me! Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi!

Amy: Cream likes cute things, so I think Yoshi should go since he's way cuter than Toad.

Toad: Hey!

Yoshi: Yay, Ya Yoshi! *heads out the door and comes back an hour later*

Sonic: *pants in exhaustion*Thank goodness your back, they've been working me like slaves.

Luigi: No, we worked you like a butler. There is a difference.

Sonic: No there isn't. Tell me, what's the difference. *faints*

Luigi: Uh, do I tell him now or after he's awake?

Amy: What do you think. *sighs* You guys shouldn't have made him work that hard.

Knuckles: What are you talking about, you made him go on five dates with you. In the course of 1 hour.

Amy: That's true I guess.

Sans: You came right as Sonic was creamed. *laughs*

Shadow: I swear, one more word out of you and you'll be a pile of bone in a field of fire.

Sans: Sorry.

Yoshi: Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi Yoshi!

Cream: Yeah and we played tea, played hide and go seek!

Sonic: *lifts his head weakly* You been doing that this whole time. Just wonderful. *faints again*

Tails: Now that your here, time to ask you your question. Cream, why u so kawai?

Cream: What does that mean Mr. Tails?

Tails: Why are you so cute?

Cream: Because I am and I'm a kid.

Shadow: That was straight forward.

Tails: Finally we are done with the questions.

Toad: Awwww, does that mean Sonic is no longer our butler.

Tails: Yep. Sadly.

Sonic: *hops up like nothing happened* Yes, I am no longer a butler.

Amy: That still doesn't conclude the fact that you went on 5 dates with me.

Sonic: I only did it because I was a butler.

Amy: But it seemed to me like you actually enjoyed them.

Sonic: Uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.......................................................................................................

Everyone: *stares at him in shock*

Sonic: I uh.....have to......go stop....Eggman again................bye.

Everyone: *continues to stare with mouths hung open as Sonic leaves*

Amy: Ahhhhh, he's so dreamy.

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