A smile came to my face as I flicked my hair out of my eyes looking at my creation. I turned back to the stove realizing I didn’t even need to turn the burners back on because the food was done. So I tossed some spaghetti onto two plates putting the sauce and meatballs on it and placing the plates on the table with a fork and knife then placed the garlic bread on a separate plate next to it.

Damn, I really could be romantic couldn’t I? I was pretty proud of myself when I turned around and saw Georgia standing in the doorway smiling as her eyes gazed over the table then landed on me. The candle light illuminating both of them beautifully throwing shadows across the room as I turned the lights down and went and pulled the chair out for her.

“Would you like some supper ma’am?” I asked with a crooked grin I’m sure looked positively goofy to which she giggled a bit.

“Why yes I would, thank you sir.” She said with a smile and sat down in the chair scooting it in a bit as I went and sat in my chair.

“Georgia, I’d like to explain,” I began looking towards her before she interrupted.

“No, I remember Jake. Not all of it but bits and pieces.” She said her eyes filled with joy and confusion.

“What all do you remember darlin’?”

“I remember falling for you, dating you, moving into this house with you, making you supper every night, working in the barn, Letty’s dad appearing out of nowhere, her going to the hospital, Coming home to you and finding Bo, and that’s all there’s nothing else I can remember but being in the hospital. What happened to me Jake?” She said as confusion completely feared her eyes and tears gently slid down her cheeks.

“Hey,” I began wiping the tears of her face with my thumb and rubbing her cheek. “It’ll be ok Georgia, I promise. After Bo passed away, Chris and I buried him in the apple tree patch on the western acre of the farm. Then I woke you up and you got around after we screwed around a bit then we went out driving and ran some errands. Then we saw Chris and he said about going mudding out at Bobby’s so we finished our stuff up in town and were on our way out there when I wasn’t paying attention.”

“You weren’t paying attention to what Jake?”

“To the road Georgia, I wasn’t paying attention to the road. It was my fault we got into that accident, all my fault, and you lost your memory from it and what hurt the most was it was my fault and you didn’t even remember me.” I told her as I fought back the tears that were burning at my eyes.

I haven’t been the same since that day, if I was thinking straight I never would’ve took my eyes off the road, we never would’ve wrecked and Georgia would still have her memory. I know it was legally the mini vans fault but I still feel like it was partially mine because I was the one behind the wheel.

“But how come I didn’t remember everything?” She asked still confused.

“The doctors said something about the impact during the crash made you slam your head on the dash. You hit your head enough to cause minor amnesia.”

“I remember now though, you telling me the day of the crash made the memories flood back Jake, it made them all flood back.” She said scooting out her chair and standing up making her way towards me.

Quickly I scooted out from the table and stood up myself spreading my arms open as she came into them hugging me tightly sobbing softly.

I ran my fingers through her hair for the first time in months, and by god it felt amazing. Winding her soft curls around and around my finger and letting them fall gently against her back.

“Hey Georgia, would you like to go fishing now?” I asked once she calmed down and pulled back to look at me.

“Why yes Jake, I believe I would” She replied with a smile and went to grab a couple hoodies from the coat rack and came back as I grabbed her hand and led her out the back door.

I led her back behind the barn and through the field a little ways until I saw the glimmer of the moon on the water. I slowed my pace and carefully guided her to the water’s edge and helped her into the little row boat I kept tied to the dock. Once she was settled I followed suit and carefully stepped into the small boat and removed the paddles from the dock and got us moving.

“I thought we were going fishing?” She asked with a smile.

“I did too, but I decided against it when we left the poles in the bed of the truck.”

“Oopsies,” She said with a blush creeping up in her face as she turned her head and twirled her hair around her fingers.

“Oh Georgia how I’ve missed your sweet smile,” With that I stopped paddling and leaned over and kissed her check softly and gently turned her head back to face me tilting her chin up as she closed her eyes, then she placed her lips on mine.


Awwww =)

They are sooo cute! =) She finally remembers! =D

Teaser: Georgia the next morning.

Next Update: this one was early but time I really do want 100 votes before I update again.

This story is unfortunately about over. I’m not sure yet whether or not I want to make it a series I think I’m going to leave it as it is. But please Comment Rate Share, anything =) it is seriously appreciated.

Love RemembersOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora