Chapter 27

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**Dannys POV**

I felt nervous as my dad stared at me with anger.

"Danny. Get your stuff and get in the car. " My dad said angrily.

"No." I said, my voice firm. "They were here for us when we needed help. I would say we owe them. Wouldn't you?" My dad looked at me with watery eyes.

"I just don't want to lose you like I did your mother." He said pulling me in for a hug. "You're a good man." He whispered in my ear.

"So we'll stay?" I asked with hopeful eyes.

"Yeah." He answered with a nod and turned to the Winchesters. "I'm willing to stay and help if you'll still accept me."

"Of course we will." Sam smiled and gave him a brief hug.

"Besides we understand your reasoning. We're scared as well." Dean said with an emotionless face. "Plus you're family now."

As he said this I could feel my lips tug into a prideful smile. Hunters all over would talk about the Winchesters. I honestly always sorta thought that they were a myth. Everyone always said family was their number one priority, that they would do anything to protect their family. In the little time I've been here they've proven that. Their family grows as they go down the road. People may die around them but that's because they have the amount of respect they have for these boys. No one would ever leave their side.

"Well let's get started then." My dad said with a smile.

**Ellas POV**

I smiled as Danny came back over to me with a wide grin on his face. I'm so happy Joseph decided to stay and help us out. I really like Danny.

"I'm tired of Lucifer being in control." Gabriel groaned.

"Then take the fight to him." I said as I chewed on some twizzlers.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked.

"Summon him or some shit. Do it in the dungeon. He'd never be able to get out, right?" I suggested.

"Would that work?" Asked Sam.

"And maybe y'all Angels could get God down here to help us out some. You both know he would be a lot of help." I pointed out. Both angels started grumbling and they play Ed a game of Rock Paper Scissors to see who would have to go find him. Which ended in Cas claiming Gabe cheated soon disappearing to find Chuck.

"I don't know if the summoning in the dungeon would work but we can certainly try." Gabriel says. So he starts gathering the stuff to summon Lucifer as we all got the dungeon ready b

"Okay, Ella. When this is all happening we need you to stay away. Your the one thing he wants and we don't need him trying anything on you." Dean said in a stern tone.

"Alright." I agreed and hugged him. "Thanks for everything." And with that I skipped up the stairs and out of the dungeon. About an hour later everyone is standing in the living room.

"Are you guys sure you want to do this?" Chuck asked us.

"I just want to get this done and over with." Dean sighed as his head was resting in his hands. "I'm just tired of it all."

"Me too." Sam agreed. Once everyone was given the okay we started to get everything ready.

Time to summon Satan.

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