Chapter 13

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I woke up and tiredly rubbed my eyes. I looked out the windshield to see two guys standing by a pickup truck.

"Who are they?" Sam and Dean just shrugged in response. I went to get out of the car but Dean stopped me.

"Stay here." I was about to protest but he gave me a look to say he wasn't gonna argue about this. I sighed and leaned back in my seat. Sam and Dean got out of the car and walked up to the guys.

"Are you the Winchesters?" The older man asked desperately.

"Depends on who's asking." Dean replied.

"My name is Joseph Walker and this is my son Danny." Danny gave them a small wave and looked at the ground. "Bobby said if we ever had any trouble to contact you." Dean looked at Sam and then gave me a nod saying I could get out of the car. Who's Bobby? I've never heard either of them talk about him.

"This is our little sister Ella." Sam introduced. I smiled and shook both of their hands. "Well come on in." I walked in the front with Dean and the others followed behind.

"Who's Bobby?" I asked Dean quietly.

"Dad never told you about him?" Dean furrowed his eyebrows. I shook my head in response. "I'll tell you about him later." Then he turned to the two guys and asked what they needed help with. I was already told I couldn't leave the bunker whatsoever. They said as long as I'm in here Crowley can they're me. I was sitting on the couch watching TV when Danny came and sat by me.

"They not letting you help." I giggled. Danny was extremely attractive. He has a Dark brown, messy hair with bangs that nearly cover his eyes. His eyes are a bright, sky blue that stand out against his dark hair and slightly tan skin. He's skinny but at the same time muscular. He's also really tall, not as tall as Sam though, he's gotta be at least six foot.

"I don't even know what's going on." He answers quietly. He seems to be really shy. "Apparently it's a big deal though."

**Dannys POV**

My dad told me to go into the living room so he could talk to the brothers. I sighed and walked into the living room. Ella is sitting on the Couch watching TV. She's absolutely beautiful. She has light brown hair with forest green eyes, a lot like Dean. She's quite small. Not only in height but size too. I didn't know that the Winchesters had a sister. I'm to shy to talk to her though. I barely ever talk since my mom died. I guess I feel I have no reason to. While I barely talk my dad doesn't shut up. He tries to forget what happened.

**Ellas POV**

"Wanna eavesdrop?" I smile mischievously. He sat there and thought about it for a second.

"Nah. My dad will tell me when he's ready." He seems to have a good relationship with his dad.

"Okay." We sat in silence for a few minutes before I decided to speak again. "So where you from?"

"Wisconsin." He replied. "What about you?"

"North Carolina." I smiled. I was about ask another question when the three men walked in. "Hey I got an idea to put Crowley off for a bit." I said to Sam and Dean.

"What?" Sam and Dean asked in unison.

"I have a replica of it and it's just a normal locket. That might throw him off some."

"Good idea." Dean said. "Sam and I will give it to him." I got the replica and gave to him. Then I waited for him to say what was going on that Joseph and Danny needed help with.

"Thanks." Sam smiled at me. "Now we're gonna leave you two here for right now. We have some things we need to do." Sam quickly said and they all rushed to the door.

"I do think so!" I grabbed the back of Deans shirt and pulled him back. "What if we run out of food?"

"Gabriel is staying with you." Sam answered and rolled his eyes.

"Dad you told me not to talk to strangers and now you're making me stay with one?" Danny pointed out. Both of us obviously want to go.

"Seriously?" Joseph laughed.

"What if we sleep together?" I smirked and both Sam and Dean glared at me.

"I'd have to cut his.." Dean cut himself off and looked at Joseph. "Look neither of you are coming with us! And Gabriel will be looking after you so don't do anything stupid!" With that they all left and I was left standing there awkwardly with Danny. Then Gabriel came in.

"Who wants cake?" Ah. The three words I need to here right now.

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