Chapter 20

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**Ellas POV**

"So how's life been?" My brother asked.

"Ok I guess." I shrugged.

"Just okay?" He rose an eyebrow.

"Yeah. You were always moms favorite." I whispered. "When you died she lost it. She was rarely home and when she was home she was so drunk she couldn't recognize me."

"I'm sorry, El." He hugged me. "How's living with Sam and Dean?"

"They're pretty cool, but Sam doesn't completely trust me." I answered. "And Dean is way overprotective."

"It seems like they're doing a good job. Maybe tell Sam about me. Tell him about your past. Let him know you're not trying to keep secrets." My brother suggested.

"Alright." I smiled. "You always give good advice."

"I was the smart one and you were the funny." He laughed. "I was an over thinker and you were too carefree."

We talked for what felt like forever when Chuck returned.

"It's time to go." He said with a sympathetic smile.

Dallas wrapped me in another hug. "Be good kid."

"I'm not a kid!" I playfully yelled back.

"You'll always be a kid to me." He laughed. We said our goodbyes once more and I went over to Chuck. He grabbed my hand and we were back in my room.

"Hey Chuck.." I said slowly as he turned to look at me.

"Yes?" He asked.

"Who are you really? I've met many angels and you're nothing like them. Are you.." And at the same time we said, "God?" I nodded slowly as he looked at me.

"You're a smart girl." He smiled. "You can't tell your brothers this though."

"Why?" My eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

"Because it's not time for them to know yet." He said and I nodded showing understanding what he said. "Goodbye for now Ella." Before I could reply he was gone.

**Gabriels POV**

I was walking around the grocery store looking for the things Sam put on the list. Why did they send me? I don't even live there. I've got everything thing except salad. I didn't know they had so many different bags of lettuce!

"You destroyed the jewelry?!" I heard someone say angrily and turned to see Lucifer.

"Yep." I said with a smirk on my face.

"How can you be so stupid!" He yelled. "Now I have no choice but to take Ella."

"You're not laying a hand on her." I said sternly and Lucifer smiled.

"You guys really have a soft spot for her." He laughed. "If you just tell me where she is no one will get hurt."

"Why do you think I know where she is?" I asked.

"Do you think I'm an idiot? Because you're her guardian angel!" He yelled once again. This will be fun to get out of.

**Deans POV**

Sam and I sat in the kitchen as we were waiting for Gabriel to get back from the store. We were just talking when Ella ran down to get something for lunch but ended up waiting with us as she saw we had no food.

"Who gave you that locket?" I asked after we sat in silence for a few minutes.

"My brother." She replied quietly.

"You have a brother?" Sam asked after a moment.

"Had." She said sadly. "He was older than me, had a different dad. He entered the army when I was nine, he gave me the locket right before he left." She sighed. "He died six months later." It was then I saw tears falling down her face. I quickly wrapped her in a hug, as did Sam.

"I'm so sorry." I said. "Is he the one in the picture with you?" She replied by nodding into my arm as were holding her. She then told us about her past. Everything from dad to her mom. Then we told her about our childhood. I think we all felt a little closer after. A little more like family.

"That guy in my dream offered to bring him back to life but that would've been wrong." She admitted, talking about Lucifer. Sam and I kinda looked at each other when she said that.

"Not too wrong." Sam said.

"Yeah only a little right?" I added. She looked at us strangely before it clicked.

"I'm my goodness." She gasped while laughing. "Which one of you died?"

"Both." We answered at the same time and she went into a laughing fit. "It's not funny." I said.

The Winchesters Sisterजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें