Chapter 17

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**Ellas POV**

"I thought we were supposed to meet up today." I heard a voice say, I turned to see the man from my last dream.

"Get away from me." I said as he stepped towards me.

"You know this wouldn't be an issue if you'd just give me that locket!" He groaned walking towards me still after a few steps I was against the wall and he was right in front of me.

"Leave me alone." I whispered as I had lost my voice for some reason. He smiled and pushed my hair out of my face.

"Oh come on." He said. "Wouldn't you like to rule the world with me? We'd be invincible together." He whispered.

"I thought you just wanted the locket?" I said confused.

"I do." He replied. "But you're to beautiful to leave behind." He disappeared as I woke up to someone shaking me.

"We're picking up some food. You want anything?" Sam asked.

"No. I'm good." I replied with a half smile. I ran downstairs and started watching TV with Gabriel and Dean. Danny and Joseph went with Sam. In the middle of an old F.R.I.E.N.D.S episode Cas stumbled into the living room.

"Cas!" Dean yelled. "Where have you been?"

"You can't let her or Danny leave the house, Dean." Cas said not answering the question.

"Why?" Dean asked while he pulled him into another room to talk. I went to follow Gabriel into the room but he stopped me.

"You need to stay out here." Gabriel said with a serious look. Just as I about to argue I heard Chucks voice.

'You'll learn everything in due time." He said simply. I took a deep breathe before nodding at Gabriel and walking back to the couch. He seemed shocked I didn't argue but let it go as he rushed into the room with the other two. About ten minutes later Sam, Joseph, and Danny came in with the food.

**Cas' POV**

I have been running around trying to find out more information about what Lucifer is planning. We were waiting for Sam and Joseph to get here so we wouldn't have to repeat anything. They're finally here.

"What's going on?" Joseph asked angrily. He's not used to this stuff. He usually deals with small cases not wanting to put Danny in danger.

"Where've you been?" Sam asked with furrowed brows.

"I've been looking for more information about what lucifer is planning to do. I've heard a lot of different things but today a group of demons against him came up to me." I started.

"How do you know they're against him?" Dean asked.

"Apparently the majority of Demons don't like Lucifer. He plans on killing a lot of them once he takes over." I replied. "But once he gets the ring and locket he will be invincible. And if he can convince either Danny, Ella, or both. Together they will have so much power they will nearly be matched to Gods."

"Why them?" Joseph asked.

"They each have a pure heart, mind, and soul." I answered.

"The last person on Earth to have all three mind, heart, and soul pure was Mary." Gabriel exclaimed. "That's why she was chosen to have Jesus!"

"If Lucifer can convert them to evil their power will be unfathomable." I continued.

"Can we just destroy the locket and ring before anything happens." Sam asked.

"Go Lord of the Rings on Lucifers ass?" Dean asked.

"What?" I asked with furrowed brows.

"Nothing." Dean muttered. "But will that work?"

"Yes. If we can get them to destroy them." Gabriel said. "Which is gonna be hard considering that they were given to them by dead family members whom they loved." We all states at the two watching TV. This is gonna be tough.

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