Chapter 22

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**3rd POV**

Danny continued to calm Ella as Chuck began to heal her. Chuck had cleared everyone else out of the room so Ella didn't have to deal with the chaos. Danny stared in awe as Chuck placed his hands above the wound with a bright light shooting out of them. "This is going to hurt." Chuck warned.

The rest of the men were moved to the living room where they all sat quietly, besides Dean who was pacing. All of their heads turned to the door when they heard a blood curdling scream. Castiel was keeping Dean from storming into the room while Gabriel tried to calm Sam down.

**Ellas POV**

I squeezed Dannys hand once I saw light shoot from Chucks hand. "This is going to hurt." He warned. I nodded in response as he placed his hands over the wound. I watched carefully as his eyes turned into the same bright lights and all of a sudden felt the most pain I've ever felt in my entire life. I screamed as I felt as if there was fire in my body, burning me from the inside out. I saw tears falling out Dannys eyes as he spoke words I didn't understand.

"I'm tired." I said as the burning sensation slowly went away.

"Go to sleep," Chuck said as his eyes went back to normal. "You need it." I nodded, to tired to speak and felt myself slowly drift to sleep.

**Deans POV**

If you had told me the day I met Ella that I'd be crying over her, I would've laughed my ass off. I didn't think I'd get this attached to her. She's too young to die. She never got the chance to grow up. I mean, she's only sixteen. She had a future. She could make a difference.

It's been a couple hours since Chuck kicked us out, she screamed twice more after the first time. I felt my chest tighten each time she did. Suddenly the door creaked and we saw Danny walk out. We looked to him with hopeful eyes as he collapsed on the couch.

"She'll be okay." He smiled and I felt as if a weight was lifted off my shoulders. "She's asleep. Someone might wanna carry her upstairs." I immediately stood up to do the task before anyone else could.

"You should probably get some sleep too, Danny." Joseph said giving his son a smile and he nodded making his way to his room.

Ella looked like she needed the sleep. There's dark circles under her eyes and her hair is a mess. I looked up at an exhausted Chuck and thanked him before carrying her to her room. I placed her on her bed and kissed her forehead before heading back downstairs. I walked in to see Gabriel and Cas staring Chuck down.

"Are you actually God?" I asked as I sat down beside Sam.

"Not a very good one." Gabriel mumbled.

"What do you want me to say, Gabriel? I left for a reason." Chuck said.

"For what reason?! It got so bad in heaven that I couldn't stand to be there! Everyone was turning against each other!" Gabriel yelled. Cas watched in silence.

"To make sure that things happened the way they were supposed to." Chuck replied calmly.

"You could at least apologize." He said sadly.

"I am sorry for the way you have been treated, but not for what I've done." He said. "I know being the youngest is hard, especially when watching your family fall apart."

Gabriel did not reply but disappeared. Chuck then looked at Cas and was about to say something but was interrupted.

"I have nothing to say to you." Was Castiels only sentence to him before also disappearing.

"Why don't you go check on Ella, Sam?" He nodded his head and made his way upstairs. Joseph seemed to get the idea because he left the room without a word.

"It seems you would like to talk." Chuck said with a knowing smile.

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