Chapter 31

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"-in there."

"-my daughter!"

"-has to do it on her own."

"-may not live!"

"-she may not wake up."


"Glenn... she'll be-"

"-don't understand. -my baby girl!"

"Calm-. -got it."

The door slowly edged open and I tried to force my eyes open. I was balanced delicately on the edge of unconsciousness. I wanted to call out into the darkness, "I'm okay," but no sound exited my lips. I wanted so desperately to open my eyes, for them to know I was awake, but every time I tried to force my eyes open I felt dizzy and became even closer to falling. I know I'm not dead, I know I'm awake. I just don't have the energy to move. I tried to make a sound any sound that resembled words, but all that sounded was a sloppy grunt, and then the voices returned.

"Let me in there!" It wasn't my dad's voice anymore, but I knew who it belonged to.

"Not yet! Denise goes in and I go in. If she's... if she's a walker, you don't need to see that." My dad's voice responded.

I'm not dead. I'm not a walker. Can't you hear me? I'm screaming, I'm calling out to you in pain, please!

"Rhylee, sweetie it's me. I need to know if you're okay. Say something, open your eyes. Do something to show us you're alive."

I grunted again. I heard the shuffling of feet, and a person breathing over me. Why can't I open my eyes?

In a small second, my eyes we're greeted by a warm, blinding light. I blinked, adjusting my eyes. My lips parted slowly, "Dad?" My voice was a hoarse whisper. I swallowed.

"I'm right here, Rhylee."

"Water, I need-."

"Don't talk." He cut me off and pushed a straw through my slightly opened mouth.

I drank the water quickly and handed it back. "More."

He hand the cup back to Denise and she filled it again. I held it myself this time. I sat the cup next to the bed I was on, and I slowly let my feet dangle off the edge of the bed. I sat up and looked at Dad. He nodded at me, and I pushed off the bed.

I went through the doorway and looked around. A distraught Michonne was sitting in a chair that had been scooted by the door. Across the room, sprawled out on the couch, was Carl. He was sleeping and his soft breathing was soothing and I went to sit by him.

"Are Jessie and Sam okay?" I asked Michonne.

She shook her head and I took a deep breath. My heart slammed against my chest and felt the need to cry. I needed Ron, needed a friend.

Carl had a bandage over his eye and his fluffy hair covered it so that the patch was slightly able to be seen. I kissed his forehead lightly.


+Months Later+

"Do you have any toothpaste?" Michonne poked her head around the side of the door frame.

"Well, I did, but someone's been using mine for the past two weeks." They smiled at each other.

The sound of a ball was able to be heard, bouncing off the wall.

"Carl why don't you come out here?"

He called something back but Rick called out to him again. Carl came and repeated himself, as Rick finished for him.

"You heard me?" Was all Carl said.

Rick had left for a run with Daryl a minute or two later, with promises to return with toothpaste. Michonne laughed and turned to go back to the house. I went to the armory and grabbed my bow. The new rule was that all weapons must be left in the armory unless on a run or training.

"Hey, Little Rhee. You ain't scheduled for training right now. Rick don't have you down for a run neither. You shouldn't have that." Abraham called.

I chuckled at the nickname he had given me, "I thought I'd get extra practice since I'm not on the work schedule today. It gets boring having nothing to do."

"As the training instructor, I can't let you enter the training grounds. I do have a job for someone to do though, if you don't mind. I'll take your bow back to the armory with me when I get off shift."

"What do you need?" I responded, sliding my bow off my back.

"Find Sasha and ask her when Eugene starts covering watch. I need to be prepared so I don't kill him." Abraham winked.

I laughed and nodded, running off to find Sasha.

Little Rhee (A Walking Dead fanfiction) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now