Chapter 13

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I ran out into the street. Rick was on top of Pete, Alexandria's surgeon. They were beating each other. Noah put his hand on my shoulder.

"They're just duking it out. Put your bow up."

I hesitated before finally doing so. We were standing next to Carl and his friend Enid. He moved forward and shouted at Rick to stop. Rick slapped him and continued to beat Pete's face in.

Deanna walked toward Rick and he pulled out a gun. I pulled my bow back out and got ready to fire, Daryl did the same. Deanna put her hands up and backed away.

"Put the gun down Rick!" She told him.

"We need to start deciding who we let into this community." He yelled.

"Yeah, we do." Deanna replied, her voice barely audible.

"Me? You mean ME!?" Rick's eyes widened.

"Rick stop." I commanded and he looked at me.

"You just gonna hold that thing or you gonna shoot?" He tilted his head at me.

He started talking to the crowd that surrounded us. Michonne knocked him in the head with her sword and he fell unconsious. I lowered my bow.

"All weapons will be confiscated and there will be a meeting tomorrow night. Get them out of here." Deanna ordered.

I grabbed Rick under his arms and dragged him to the infirmary. I grabbed alcohol out of the cabinet and got some wipes. I cleaned his face and bandaged his cuts. He opened his eyes.

"I didn't mean it you know." He looked tired.

"I know." I gave him a small smile.

I walked him back to the house, where Carol had made mashed potatoes and chicken gravy with fresh green beans and deer tenderloin. We sat around the table. Everyone looked angry and Carl wouldn't look at Rick. I picked at my green beans and stared down at my lap. Noah's hand wandered over and I held it tight. I heard Rick's voice.

"I screwed up big time. I know that, but we can come back from this." He told us.

"Beating members of the community is not easy to come back from!" I said, raising my voice.

Noah squeezed my hand, and Rick gave me the evil eye.

"Rhylee. I think what he means is-" Mariah started.

"I don't really care what you think he means! When you beat members of our community, you make this group look bad!" I shouted at her, throwing my napkin down on on the table and getting up.

Little Rhee (A Walking Dead fanfiction) *Under Editing*Where stories live. Discover now