Chapter 9

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They hesitated for a moment, glancing at each other, before their faces broke out into relieved smiles. They rushed over to my bed and engulfed me in a tight, loving hug. I melted into the touch. I tried wrapping my arms around the both of them too, but it was too difficult as they were insanely sore, and I didn't want to risk ripping my wounds open. I had to much I wanted to live to see now. I looked over at Phil through my mother's dark, brown hair. He had a proud smile on his face as he looked over at the family he brought together.


How could I ever repay him? In just a few short moments he had given me a reason to live. He had given me security. He had given me hope. In just a few moments he had given me what I had been trying to find all my life. He looked into my eyes and motioned his head toward the doorway, signalling that he was going to slip out and let all of us catch up. I nodded and my eyes followed his tall lean figure out of the room. After he left I nuzzled my head into the woman's-or well, my mum's-neck.

She smelled like fresh sheets and fragrant flowers. Her smell was so comforting and warm, nothing like my other mothers scent. No, she smelled like cigarettes and hair dye. Her smell was threatening and toxic. But she wasn't my mother. This woman in front of me is. The woman with the silky brown hair that hadn't been stripped of all it's colour, and the cute, comfy looking fashion sense that made her look wholesome and caring. After several more minutes of hugging, with no noise except for quiet sobs from all of us and the occasional sniffle, we pulled apart and I took a closer look at their faces. My mum had a small amount of makeup on, only some mascara and a bit of eyeliner on her eyes, and some clear lip gloss. Nothing like the woman I grew up to think was my mum. She had always had buckets of foundation, blush, eyeshadow, lipstick, eyeliner, pretty much every known form of cosmetic possible slathered all over her face. Always so insecure, like she didn't know how to be natural. Next I took a look at my real father. He had a kind but serious face. He had my curly brown hair as well, although it was styled in a more mature way, and his eyes held so much joy and kindness. He smiled so wide when he looked at me that I thought his face would split in two. My fake father couldn't even compare with his genuine sincerity. I couldn't believe that sitting in front of me were my real parents. It felt strange. I mean of course I was relieved that the horrible couple I had been living with for sixteen years weren't really related to me, but I didn't know what my actual parents were like. What if they didn't like me? What if they thought I was weird and decided they had made a mistake getting Phil to track me down? What if they abandoned me? My insecurities swirled around in my head, stopping any intelligible thoughts come through, but I was snapped out of it as my real mum took my hands in hers and stared downs at my bandaged wrists. My father placed his hand on my shoulder and looked me in my face.

"We're so sorry we let this happen to you..." She hiccuped as fresh tears rolled down her soft red cheeks and slid off her chin.

"We can't imagine what you've been through these past sixteen years, but we are ecstatic to finally have our son back. We will never let you go again. Oh, and you can rest assured that we WILL be pressing charges against the man and woman that kidnapped you and did this to you." My dad's surprisingly gruff voice assured.

"We're just so happy to have our baby boy back. We'll heal you right back up and get you healthy again. Just look at you! My poor baby looks like he hasn't eaten a proper meal in years! What's your favourite thing to eat? I'll make a big meal of your favourite foods when we go home!" She wiped her tears and seemed to get excited at the idea of all of us having a meal together. I chuckled at her enthusiasm and blushed brightly.

"Hey! I'm not exactly a baby anymore you know. I don'y really know what my favourite food is to be honest... um anything will do really! I'm j-just really happy that I met you..." She let out a slight squeal at my reaction, which made me flinch a bit but than immediately grin when I saw the ecstatic look on her face.

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