Chapter 8

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The first thing I noticed when I woke up was that it was uncharacteristically quite. I didn't hear and yelling, or banging, or footsteps. It was peaceful. The second thing I noticed was that it was ridiculously hard to move my body. Every time I tried to lift my arm to brush a strand of hair out of my face, or I would move to try and sit or stand up, a sharp pain would shoot through my wrists, torso, and legs. The third thing I noticed was that lying next to me sleeping soundly and letting out quite snores was the last person I saw before I blacked out. The person who had not just saved my life once, but twice. The first and only person to ever care about me in my whole sixteen years of existence. The only person that had ever said they loved me.


I smiled looking down at him, but my happiness was quickly wiped away. Wait, why am I still alive? Why was I sitting in an uncomfortable hospital bed instead of in a morgue somewhere? How could I let myself fail again? Why was I so pathetic?? I couldn't even end my own life, how useless. Fat, salty, hot tears rolled freely down my face out of frustration. Loud sobs began pouring out of my mouth like a flood that I couldn't stop. Before I knew it Phil had started go stir, and wake up next to me. He bolted upright and instantly began comforting me.

"Shush, shush, Dan its alright. You're okay now. You're safe..." He rubbed my back soothingly.

He didn't understand. As long as I was alive nothing would be okay. Everyone at school would still hate me, my parents would still wish I was never born, things like last night would happen again and again and again. There would be no end. No happy ending. No relief. I was stuck. I cried harder than before. My whole body was shaking with the force of my sobs.

"Dan... What happened? Why did you do that to yourself?" I shook my head. None of it mattered anymore. Nothing mattered anymore. It was all just so pointless.

"I-it doesn't matter anymore Phil! N-none of it m-matters! I can't take living like this anymore!" I wiped my tears away with my bandaged up arms.

"You don't have to." I looked up at him.

"W-what do you mean I d-don't have to? I have to go back to my parents Phil. They'll end up killing me. I won't survive with them." He sighed and shifted his eyes from side to side.

"They aren't your parents Dan..."

I stopped crying. I stopped moving, I stopped breathing, all I did was stare wide eyed at Phil. What the hell did he mean? Of course they were my parents. I had lived with them all my life, right?

"There's a lot I haven't told you that I'm ready to now. I think you need to know all this now." I still only stared at him, wide eyed and unmoving. What else could I have done? My brain didn't have anymore room to process what was going on. He must've took my silence as a que, because he continued talking after a minute or so.

"My name is Philip Michael Lester. I live in London and do random jobs here and there for people when they need it. Most of the time it's just that they need to find something for a cheap price or have a weird chore or something no one else wants to do, but a few months ago a middle aged couple came and found me. They said that they needed help tracking someone. They had asked professionals to do it before but they always wanted more money than they had so they came to me. They needed help finding a boy named Daniel. He was kidnapped when he was six months old, right out if his cradle." He stopped and let out a loud sigh. "Their names were Abatha and Christopher Howell. I immediately said yes. I don't know why since I wasn't even getting paid that much and it was a difficult job to do since I had almost no information about you except for your age and some baby pictures." He was looking down at his lap now, hands awkwardly folded over his legs like he didn't know what to do with them.

"The first night I found you was the night that we met on the bridge. I was so scared when I saw you climb over the railing. I remember feeling my heart banging in my chest as I ran over to you. I was so worried. I couldn't even imagine what would make someone as wonderful and gorgeous as you want to end your life. I even remember my relief when you safely made it back onto the bridge." He laughed softly.

"I didn't really know when to tell you. I wasn't 100% sure after all if you were the right person, but I knew when I saw that little rash on your cheek. Your parents had told me about it. After I left your house I called them right away saying I had found you. They're in the other room now." He tossed his head to the side, indicating towards the door.

"I-I know that this is a lot for you to take in but, they'd really like to meet you. They are really nice people. Nothing like the jerks you're with now. I promise. I really meant what I said. I won't let anything else happen to you. You're safe now." I looked away at his face focusing all my attention on my hands.

What was going on? My parents aren't my real parents? My real parents are in the next room waiting to meet me? Why did all this happen to me?

So many questions were buzzing around my head, I could hardly pick just one to focus on. After all, its not everyday you learn that you were kidnapped from your parents when you were a baby. This was kind of a big deal. I couldn't believe the amount of relief I felt. I never had to go back to that awful house again. I could switch schools now, get away from everyone in my life. I could start fresh. Or well, as fresh as a messed up kid like me could. I nodded my head.

"Okay." I breathed out slowly. "I'd like to meet them." Phil smiled wide, but it faltered slightly as he opened his mouth.

"Are you sure? You don't have to do this right now you know. It is a lot to take in." I just shook my head and smiled.

"No, I'm ready. I'd like to meet my real parents now." He nodded and stood up, walking over to the door. He looked back at me and we shared a brief moment of eye contact. I smiled letting him know I was still fine. He opened the door and walked out.

A few minutes later he walked in with a middle aged couple. The woman had long brunette hair in a high ponytail and was wearing a baggy gray sweater and jeans. Tears were streaming down her face, as I'm sure they were mine too. Next to her stood a man probably about as tall as me. Maybe a bit taller. He had messy brown hair and incredibly dark brown eyes, completely different from the woman's piercing greens. He was wearing a long sleeved black v-neck and black jeans. They both stared at me in shock looking lost, like they didn't know if they should come closer or give me space. I grinned at them and spoke the first words they had ever heard from me.

"Hi Mom, hi Dad." The wet hot tears sliding down my face the whole time.


Yay! Im finally starting to get in the actual plot I wanted to! I don't know how much longer this book will be, but it will probably be finishing up soonish as I don't have that much more planned, but it will probably still be about five more chapters, maybe more. And OMFG!!!!! I already have like over a hundred views in this story!!! Can you fucking believe that??? I can't!!! Thank you guys so freaking much! It really makes my day when I see that someone has read it, or voted, or left a comment. Its really all thanks to you guys I've gotten so far with this and haven't procrastinated. Especially user_name_666 for all the votes and comments she's given! Thank you so much! I love you guys like crazy! Have an AMAZING day! <333333

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