Chapter 4

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"I fell." I answered almost immediately. There was no way in hell that I was going to tell probably my only friend that I was a complete loser that got beat up all the time. No. I had to keep whatever pride I had.

I watched his jaw clench as he looked up at me. It was almost like I could see all the thoughts swirling around in his brain. His eyes trailed over to my bruised arms and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Do you want a ride home? It looks like it hurts to walk and I'd like to talk to you a bit more." I nodded fervently.
"Yeah,  I'd really like that. Thanks. Before I could go and open the door to let myself in Phil had already popped his door open and walked over to my side of the car.

"Here, let me get that for you." Huh. And people say chivalry is dead.

"Uh, thanks." I say a bit awkwardly. No one has ever done anything like opening a car door for me. I wasn't even sure if people actually did that for each other or if it was just a romance movie cliché. I guess now I know. After he opened the door and motioned for me to get in I plonked down onto the seat forgetting how bad my ribs hurt. I cringed but tried not to show my discomfort. I didn't want Phil to see me acting this pathetic. I looked over at him as he got in the car and started the engine.

"There's no way you hurt yourself that bad just from falling." He almost whispered. I shrugged even though he had his eyes on the road and not me.

"They were some really tall stairs."

"Dan." He whispered sympathetically. "You can tell me anything. Its okay." I swallowed the lump that was quickly forming in my throat. This is the first time that anybody has ever really showed any care for me, and he was making it really God damned hard to not spill my guts to him right at this very moment.

"There's really nothing to tell." I hated the way my cracking voice gave me away. "I'm just really clumsy and staircases hate me. That's all." I could tell he knew I was lying but there was no way he was getting the truth out of me. I didn't want him to see how pathetic I really was anymore than he had already.

I looked out the window and immediately straightened up. We were in my street. Like five houses away from my own. How the hell were we this close to my house? I hadn't given him directions. I hadn't told him my address. At least I don't think I did.

"Hey Phil?" I asked cautiously.

"Yeah Dan? What is it?"

"Um how come we're on my street?" He looked puzzled.

"I was driving you home remember?" I shook my head.

"Yeah... But... I never told you my address..." His face paled. He started to tap his fingers on the steering wheel, which I assume was a nervous tick he had.

"Oh. Well, uh, I was just driving around randomly. There's no way I could know that this was your street. What a coincidence huh?" He laughed bug it sounded fake. Forced.

"Phil." I started warningly. "This isn't the first time something like this has happened. You knew my name before too. On the bridge." He looked down like he was thinking.

"You told me your name on the bridge. And I was just driving. I guess I just have some really good instincts." He shrugged and tried to laugh it off. "Um which one is your house?" I looked behind us.

"We just passed it."

"Oh." He quickly turned the car around and stopped in front of the nearest house. "Is this it?" I nodded. He sounded like he was genuinely asking but I couldn't help but wonder if he was just acting or not.

"Bye Phil. Thanks for the lift." I swung the door open but I was pulled back softly by a hand on my wrist.

"Listen, Dan, um. Im really sorry if I'm coming of as creepy. I swear it's just kind of all been a misunderstanding..." I nodded and relaxed into his touch. "Text me later?"

"Yeah. Of course." I promised. And I would. I had too. I knew that Phil had more red flags right now than probably anyone I'd ever met but he's also the reason I didn't think about killing myself today. I feel like there's a reason we met, and I just have to get to know him better to find out what it is. Besides, would I even mind if if turned out Phil was a bad guy at this point? Even if he turned into a kidnapper if he just kept giving me that beautiful, bright, caring smile, I would probably forgive him. The truth is I trusted Phil. Even though a million things were telling me not to I just couldn't help it.

He let go of my hand and said goodbye before driving away. I watched his car turn down the street before turning around and facing my house. I looked in the drive way and saw my dad's truck sitting there looking as shitty as ever. I hurried over to the door knowing that he was probably in the garage with his friends. I was just about to turn the handle when I heard a voice approach me from behind that made my blood run cold.

"Hey kid. Aren't you gonna give your uncle Rex a hello hug?" I turned my head around and saw my dad's brother Rex standing there with a bottle of scotch swinging softly in his hand. Now Rex was like a giant. He was 6'7" and all muscle. Really he couldn't have found a name that suited him more. He had shaggy black hair that looked like it hadn't been washed in a week and these emerald green eyes that just seemed to cut right through you. I hated him. Where my dad was violent, he was horny. And let me tell you that did not lead to fun times for me. But before you ask, no. He has never raped me. The most he ever did was make me give him a BJ but that was definitely not my idea of a good Wednesday night. He walked towards me and wrapped his arms around me tightly. He smelled like B.O. and metal, which were two things I never wanted to smell together.

"Thats my favourite nephew! Always as tight lipped as ever! Can't you even say hi to your wonderful uncle? Or do you wanna say hi in a different way?" The smirk on his face made me wanna gag. I could see what he was picturing in his mind and I wanted no part of it.

"Hi uncle Rex." I whispered just loud enough for him to hear it.

He leaned in close and whispered in my ear, "Oh, come on now. I know you can do better than that..." He licked the shell of my ear making me shudder and gulp. He snaked his hand up my shirt and brushed against my nipple but that's as far as he got before his wife, Aunt Nelly came around the corner.

"Rex! What are you doing?? Leaving me alone for so long! Get back here you old fool." She giggled and let out a small burp, clearly drunk out of her mind.

"We'll continue this later, okay?" He whispered and bit my neck hard before walking over to his wife and picking her up bridal style. Aunt Nelly was 5'2" and had frizzy hair that had been dyed far too many times leaving it a mix of light blue, purple, and reddish orange. She was a drunk just like most of the family, but at least she wasn't violent or a nymphomaniac. I thanked my lucky stars that she had gotten me out of there and hurried up to my room, locking it as soon as I got in.

I flipped down on my bed making it groan in distress and cuddled up to my duvet, not bothering to remove my skinny jeans even though I knew I would regret it later. Instead I let myself slowly drift off into the darkness of sleep.


Hiya everyone! So I hope you're all enjoying the story so far, and HOLY SHIT! I can't believe how many views I've already gotten for this weird little story. I know I mention it every time but it really means a lot to me that people like this story. Oh and also I'm doing all this on my phone so if there are any spelling errors or like grammar mistakes I missed just let me know and I'll fix it! Have a great day!

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