Chapter 2

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As soon as I stepped through my front door the sent of booze and cigarettes wafted into my nose. I stiffened at the all too familiar smell. I strained my ears trying to hear if anyone was in the house. Or, more accurately if anyone was going on a drunken rampage through the house. I stood there for some of the longest 2 minutes of my life, but all I could hear were soft snores coming from the living room. I tip toed into the living room and saw my dad lying on the couch. No doubt in yet another drunken stupor. Laying next to him was my mother, who I guess had decided that she didn't need clothes for the day. His fingers were curled in her greasy, bleach blonde hair and her arms were wrapped around his beer gut. I sighed and went upstairs to my room. I layed down in my half-broken single bed and sighed. Looking around my room you probably wouldn't even think it was occupied by anyone. The walls were bare, my closet only had a few pairs of black skinny jeans and shirts that had holes in them, and there were no decorations or other possessions in there other than my back pack which was sitting on the ground next to my bed. It hadn't been touched since Friday when I put it there and it wouldn't be touched again until tomorrow morning when I had to return to prison. Oh, oops. I meant school. I was about to fall into an uneasy sleep when I remembered the guy from earlier. I pulled out my cracked phone and his number.

Hey. Um, I'm home I guess?

I wasn't really sure what to type. After all he had probably already forgotten me. He probably wouldn't even answer. I didn't have very long to think these pessimistic thoughts though, because within seconds I heard the dull ding resonate from my phone telling me I had a message.

Hi! Thank God you made it home okay! I was so worried! Are you doing okay?

He was worried? Why? We had only met today, I mean I didn't even know his name although he seemed to know mine. I still had to ask him about that too. Actually this guy seemed completely fishy. If I were smart I would ignore him. I would forget all about him. If I weren't so lonely than I would notice the red flags. I'd call him a stalker and move on with my life. But the fact is, I was lonely. Cripplingly so. I needed someone, something, to hold onto, and even though my better judgement was telling me not to trust questionable strangers I had just met, I couldn't help but want to get to know him.

Dan? Are you there? Are you alright??

I looked at my phone's clock and realized I had been lost in my own thoughts for nearly five minutes. Oops. Probably not a good idea to take five minutes replying back to someone who asked you if your okay and knows your suicidal. My bad.

Sorry. I was just thinking. Whats your name?

I decided to ignore the question he asked me about being okay. I didn't want to outright lie to a possible new friend, but I don't want to tell him how I was really doing either. After all, I wasn't okay. I was suicidal, depressed, and a number of other things at the moment and I didn't quite know if he was ready to hear everything I had to tell.

Omg, I'm so sorry! I must look like a total creep >.< my names Philip. But I prefer Phil. Sorry I forgot to mention it earlier.

Knowing his name made me feel a bit more at ease.

Don't worry about it, but since we're talking about names, how do you know mine?

Huh? Ummm I don't? Why would you think I did?

I furrowed my brows in confusion. Hadn't he called my name earlier? Come to think of it he even said my last name. Why was he acting like he didn't know it now? Isn't this kind of shady?

You said my name earlier. Twice actually. How did you know it?

It took him longer than usual to respond, but in about three minutes my phone dinged.

Oh right. Sorry I remember now. Haha. You told me it.

Huh? No? When did I say it?

Um you know, when I helped you over the railing.

I tried to think back. I don't remember that at all. If I told him my name wouldn't he have told me his then too?

I don't remember that...

Well, um, your head must have been pretty jumbled up at the time since you almost fell at least 20 feet. You probably said it without realizing.

That did make sense I guess. I wasn't sure if I one hundred percent believed him, but at that moment I didn't care. I was just enjoying having someone to talk to.

Dan: Makes sense I guess. So what are you up to right now?

I'm talking to you silly. Hey do you wanna hear something cool?

What is it?

Apparently, hippo milk is pink!

I couldn't help but laugh. For a guy who looked about my age he seemed so innocent. I mean except for the weirdness of him knowing my name. That was kinda strange.

Really? Thats pretty fabulous.

I know right! I wish human milk was pink!

We kept talking for a few more hours before I fell asleep. The last words I read from him were so simple and normal, yet it made butterflies appear in my tummy nonetheless.

Goodnight Dan :)


Hiya my little internet cucumbers! Omg. Thank you so much to everyone who is reading this. I really didn't expect to get as many views as I have and it means a lot <3. So I'm not really 100% sure where this story is going but I hope you guys will enjoy reading it as much as I'm enjoying writing it. By the way the attached picture is what Phils car looks like. So yup that's all I've got to say! Seeya!

Also this is dedicated to the little impatient gumdrop user_name_666

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