Chapter 5

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I love sleep. It's like sleep just instantly takes you to heaven. You don't feel any more pain, you don't have to think, you don't have to wonder about everything. Its like every night your mind just gets to go blank for a few previous hours. Thats what I imagine death is like, or rather what I hope it's like. I don't want to go to some bright cloudy place in the sky where old people and Michael Jackson are playing foosball in the corner. I just want nothing. I don't want awareness or having to think.

Unfortunately however, this morning I was ripped from my dreamless floating through nothing by sharp hunger pains coming from my stomach. Well I guess it has been 3 days since I've eaten anything. I felt dizzy as I got up off my bed. I was hoping I could make it to the kitchen and get some food in water in me before passing out. There's another thing that would be great about death, you wouldn't need to eat or drink anything.

I held onto the wall carefully as I made my way to the kitchen. Neither one of my parents were in sight but that only made me feel more vulnerable. It was one of those feeling where they could be anywhere or could jump out at you at anytime, but I didn't care right now. All I cared about was eating something before my stomach ate itself. I looked in the fridge and saw that nobody had done anu shopping since I had last looked and almost everything had gone bad. I settled on eating a banana that was more brown than it was yellow and a bottle of water. It didn't take very much to fill me anymore since I barely ever ate anyway. I guess my body had just adapted to me neglecting it. I downed the water and slowly got up from the kitchen table.

"What do you think your doing?" I jumped as my father's gruff voice resonated menacingly from behind me.

"Oh, I-I was just um having breakfast." He glowered at me.

"And who said you could do that? Its not your food to eat. You don't work for it." He looked me up and down. "Who gave you those bruises?" I was shocked he was even talking to me this long. Normally it was just a few insults and some punches. Shit. Whats he up to?

"Just some kids at school..." I shrugged. He just snorted.

"Good. That'll toughen you up. What kind of pussy lets himself get beaten up by a couple'a kids?" I shrugged again. I really just wanted to get away from him right now. Nothing good ever came from my dad being chatty.
He marched over to me, and I swear, with every foot step he took the ground shook. "Haven't I toughened you up at all? Or maybe you still need a few lessons?" On the last word he sent a hard upper cut right underneath my ribs, effectively knocking the breath right out of me.

He huffed. "Pathetic! Getting all up in a tiff because of one punch? Well there's plenty more where that came from." He punched me again, but this time right in my already broken nose. I heard a sickening squish as more fresh blood was released, staining both my face and his fist a shiny cherry red. I let out a short cry as tears filled my eyes. "You're disgusting! Today how 'bout I don't stop until you can take a punch without acting like a little sissy? How many do you think that'll take? Ten?" Punch. "Twenty?" Punch. "Fifty?" Punch, punch, punch.

"Jesus Christ Hank! Don't you dare kill him on our property! I am not watching you get hauled off to jail because you couldn't control your idiotic fists!" I looked up through my hazy vision and saw my mom. Well kind of saw her. The cut on my left eyebrow was letting a flood of blood pour down my face making my vision a little iffy. My mom had her bleached blonde hair curled in big ringlets all around her face. She was wearing a tight blue mermaid dress and she had way to much make up on. She didn't even look at me once as she talked to her husband.

"Kerry, calm down. I was just toughening him up a bit." Dad defended himself.

Mom rolled her eyes. "Well the next time you decide to 'toughen him up' don't do it in my kitchen! Bloody dead bodies aren't exactly appropriate kitchen decor now are they?" My dad shook his head.

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