Chapter 3

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Most kids wake up to an annoying alarm, or there moms voice waking them up, or maybe the smell of pancakes, I however woke up that morning to the sound of the front door banging shut. I pulled myself out of the warm black duvet and peeked out my bedroom window into the driveway. Dads face was red and veiny, and he tore open the door to his truck so harshly I thought he might rip it off. A bright smile found its way onto my face though as I saw him quickly pull out of the driveway and rush down the road. I hadn't had a dad free morning in ages.

I quickly threw on my black jeans and a black top with an eclipse printed on it. It was my favourite shirt, so I only wore it on the days my dad was out of the house so it wouldn't get ruined. Grabbing my bag, I ran down the stairs and made my way into the kitchen, hesitating slightly when I saw my mom sitting at the table drinking a cup of black coffee and texting someone on her phone, but she ignored me so I continued on my way to the fridge. As soon as I opened it I could tell that all the food had gone bad. The smell had hit me before the actual look of the food. Whatever, I didn't really need food anyway. I hadn't eaten all of yesterday so one more day wouldn't kill me. I decided I might as well head to school and get there before anyone else did. It was always better when I was able to get in the classroom before everyone else, that way they couldn't ambush me before class. And if I was the first out of class before it ended then they couldn't ambush me afterwards. It normally worked pretty well, but I should've known the day was going to well to stay this good.

"Oi! Fairy! Come 'ere a minute, will ya!" My eyes widened and my shoulders visibly slumped. Just one good day. Thats all I ask. I turned around and saw three guys walking up towards me. Their names were Ernie, Michael, and Cravis. They were the biggest douchebags our high school had to offer, and I just so happened to be their favourite target.

"Hey faggot. Whatcha doin' here so early? Didja miss us that much?" Michael jeered. He was by far the most annoying. He had buzz cut brown hair and dark hazel eyes.

"We missed you too mate! We took our sweet time this morning and made you lunch, a good ole knuckle sandwich! We made it with lots of meat, since we know that's your favourite." That idiot would be Cravis. He was definitely the stupidest and most violent out of the three, and that was not a good mix. He also had a buzz cut but his was blond, he followed pretty much whatever Michael said, and that included copying his fashion choices at every chance he got. Normally I thought blue eyes were gorgeous but Cravis' looked dull and unattractive. Even though they were all pretty bulked up with muscle, what with them all being on the football team, Cravis still looked like the incredible Hulk next to them.

"Can we hurry this up a bit? The bells gonna ring soon and I don't wanna get in trouble because of this loser again." Ernie mostly stayed out if the bullying. Only holding me in place when necessary for Michael or Cravis to get a good punch or ten in, but I could tell he mostly just hung out with them because he knew he would be on their hit list if he hadn't gotten in good with Cravis in SK. He had black spiked hair brown eyes, and glasses.

"Calm down Ernie. We aren't in any rush, now are we Dan?" Michael placed his hand on my shoulder making me jump a tiny bit. I shook my head cautiously, not wanting to set them off anymore. Even though they were all significantly shorter than me they were bulked up and probably on steroids, while I was thin as a twig with absolutely zero muscle mass, and as this was my second day without eating (not that I ever ate that much) there was no way in hell I would be able to fight them off. Even if I punched them it would probably just feel like I hit them with a soft pillow made of freaking chicken feathers.

"What? Don't feel much like talking today? You should really talk to your friends Daniel." Michael said, mocking a concerned tone.

"Hey you look hungry. Wanna have your lunch now?" Cravis asked in a ridiculously sugary sweet tone of voice. Michael opened his mouth to say something else but his words were cut out by the shrill sound of the bell ringing.

"Shit. Come on guys, legs just get this over with quick. Coach said if he finds out I'm late one more time to my maths class I'll be on the bench for the next game." Ernie complained loudly.

"Fine, but we can't let this guy go without anything. We came here to do a public service, and that's exactly what we're gonna do! Here Cravis, I'll let you beat the gay out of him this time." He stepped back and Cravis smirked up at me. Not even a second later I felt a swift punch to the bottom half of my jaw, and another quick couple of jabs to my ribs and stomach.
Before I knew it I fell back into the hard cement. I gasped, struggling to get in air as I felt Cravis climb on top of me to get a better angle to throw his punches he hit my stomach, ribs, and legs repeatedly. I felt him continue punching my already busted nose which was letting a waterfall of blood pour down my face and neck and no doubt bruised eyes. Finally after what felt like forever I felt him get off of me. He and Michael spit on me and than walked away heads thrown back with laughter. Well so much for not getting my shirt ruined. As I carefully looked down I saw that the top half of the shirt had speckles of blood all over it, although the way it landed it actually looked like it might've been part of the design. Since I was already pretty late for class, I decided a trip to the nurses office would probably be helpful. As soon as I walked through the door the nurse, Ms. Comfort, tsked scoldingly at me.

"Oh Hunny. I keep telling you to stay out of trouble." She cooed as she cleaned up my face. "One of these days those boys will take it too far, you should speak up go them. Bullies will stop if you just stand up for yourself!" I sighed.

"Yes ma'am, I'll try that next time." I lied. Parents and teachers always said how standing up to the bully will get them to back down but that was bullshit. That just made them angrier. Ms. Comfort was nice enough but that's all she was. Nice. She knew about my situation at school, and I knew she probably suspected a bit of what happened at home but she never made a move to help me or try to talk to me about what was going on. She just assumed things and then gave me half assed advice.

"Now go on! Get back to class now. A young boy like you needs his education!" I nodded and said a quick goodbye before heading towards my first class. Which just so happened to be my least favourite. Geography. I took a seat at the very back ignoring peoples sniggers and questioning stares. I kept my head ducked low, wishing I had a hoodie or something so I could cover my face. The rest of the day passed by painfully slowly, and so when the final Bell rang I hurried out of the door as fast as my sore body could go. I didn't want to go home yet. In fact, if I had it my way I would never go home, but it was freezing out and I didn't have a jacket. And even if I did run away I didn't have a place to go, I didn't have food, money, nothing. Whether I liked it or not I did depend on my parents for food and shelter, even if they were shit providers. I jumped when I felt my phone buzz aggressively in my pocket and then immediately cursed at myself. My body was still unbelievably sore from the beating I took earlier. Although the grimace on my face was immediately replaced by probably the largest grin I had given in years when I saw who the message was from.

I see you!

Wow. That doesn't sound creepy at all.

Oh right. Oops :P. Look behind you!

I crinkled my eyebrows in slight confusion before whipping my head around and seeing a new looking blue sedan slowly coming up towards me. As it pulled up next to me the driver rolled the window down and I was greeted by Phil's smile, which much to my dislike was wiped completely off his already pale face which was getting paler by the minute. We looked at each other in silence for a minute (although it felt like hours), before he broke it with one stuttering sentence.

"Dan. W-what happened to your face?"


Hiya everybody! Thank you so much if your reading this book! It really means a lot to me. So I finally kinda have an idea of where this story is going! So yeah stick around and expect some good twists and turns later on. Well, I hope you have a spectacular day everyone! Bai Bai!

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