The chained girl seemed to wake from her 'slumber' and start shaking her head.

One of the girls that walked in grinned, "What's that, cat got your tongue Akane?", one of them mocked.

Akane shook her head not wanting to look at them. "No....please no...", she murmured barely. It was a helpless, hopeless- broken, sound.

"What's that?", the other girl cupped her ear. "You want to go on the spinning wheel again?", she grinned.

Akane's eyes widened. "Please...", she begged. "Don't... What did I ever do to you?"

"You were born", the first one answered coldly and nodded at the metal men. They took Akane off her chains and dragged her by the hands to a different room.

Miyoko's legs moved themselves and before she knew it she was with the twin girls and Akane. She was fastened to a spinning torture wheel and the two girls stood behind a table filled with worn out, rusted throwing knives.

"No...please..... stop.. NO", Akane yelled as the wheel started spinning. Her red hair seemed to whiten under the stress and fear of the girls who threw weapons at her.

Miyoko shook in fear, but she couldn't allow this to happen. She stepped forward, wanting to help her- to stop them.

But instead, she found herself switching places with Akane, and a dagger going through her chest.


Miyoko's POV

"My lord wake up, please, it's just a dream", I hear Tsubaki shake me and I wake up again. I feel tears pour down my face as I look into Tsubaki's green eyes.

"What?..", I say in confusion before remembering everything. My heart kicks into high gear and I start shaking.

Tsubaki wraps his warm arms around me, mumbling soothing things to me but I'm still in shock, still scared.

Somewhere in between my choked sobs and his mumbling, I understand a "I'll cancel all your appointments today" from him.

A few hours later in the early afternoon I find myself drinking chamomile tea and resting on the sofa, my knees bent and a book resting on my thighs. I'm half-properly dressed in my pants and sleeping shirt, which happened to be a black t-shirt with a sunflower pattern on it.

Tsubaki- the angel he is- left around half an hour ago to take care of the business I'd usually have to do. I feel tired even though I have barely done any physical activity, and I haven't exited my house- not even looked through the window. I've been preoccupied on books on witches.

And even though I had thought what I'd be reading about would be magic, I'm reading about their history, family lineage, economy and trade.

It's boring.

I take another sip of my tea and turn a page.

It takes me so much but I manage not to spit out my tea in shock and just end up choking on it. I start coughing and leave my cup on the coffee table, and sit up straight.

I look in the book once more when I regain my posture, and see that my shock was for a reason.

But before I could manage to read it there's a knock on my door.

"Coming!", I quickly put the book down and pat my hair, trying to make it look somewhat presentable.

I walk to the door and they knock again. "I'm coming, I'm coming!", I say slightly annoyed and open the door to be met with a familiar pair of purple eyes.

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