Chapter three - Here We Go Again

Start from the beginning

“Who are you and what do you want?” Asked Georgina, completely unimpressed with the three freshmen girls.

“Shannon just wanted us to come and tell you that you got what you deserved!”

There was a few seconds of silence before both Georgina and I burst out in laughter.

“What is so funny?”

“Well, why don’t you run back and tell Shannon to come over here and say that to my face, rather than sending her sister to come and attack me like a dog, and then sending three immature sluts over here to stand there, giggle, and act like overall brain-dead morons.”

A moment of silence passed, again. The girls left after that, only replying with a series of ‘glares’ which just made them look like they were in pain.

“So, Shannon, huh?”

Georgina stopped eating. “What?”

“Shannon was the girl you called a slut?”

“Yeah… sorry I didn’t tell you, it’s just, I know you don’t like it when I fight,”

Nodding slightly, I smiled. “I’m worried, Georgina,”


“Shannon’s sister is a nut-job. She went crazy for you calling her sister a slut, how do you think she’s going to go now you’ve basically called her sister a wimp, as well?”

Georgina didn’t reply, instead she just shrugged her shoulders and stared out into the car park opposite for the remaining twenty minutes of lunch.




I got home early, thanks to Georgina’s Mom who was now collecting Georgina from school every day. Dad wasn’t home yet, luckily- that meant I could escape the awkward pleasantries. My evening consisted of showering, making dinner and going to bed early.


Morning came and there was a letter on the end of my bed. My father’s scruffy handwriting was scribbled onto it.


I have a last minute job down in Oakmere, I will be back in a few days.

Money is on the counter with takeout numbers and Matt’s number- call only if urgent.   

Love you.



The only thing that came as a surprise was the fact that he left me a letter to tell me of his whereabouts. Out of the blue, “Here we go again… I kind wanna be more than friends” started blasting from my phone. Yawning, I answered it.



“Um… who is this?”

“It’s Logan… Logan Ellis…”

I groaned. “What do you want?”

“I need a favour,”






“I cannot believe you’re late! You asked me here!” I exploded the minute Logan entered the Diner.

“Sorry, I was doing my hair,”

I didn’t even reply.




“You need a tutor? Are you serious?”

I heard a sigh of annoyance on the other end. “Yes, my Dad says if I don’t keep my grades up then he’ll take my car and xbox. This is serious! Do not laugh at me!”

“Thanks for that, I needed cheering up.”

The line went silent.

“So, when and where?”

“You’ll help?!” Perked Logan.

“Sure,” I replied. “Twenty dollars an hour and I’ll even throw in a lap dance!”

“Very funny.”

“I know. So, it’ll be twenty an hour-”

“You’re not just doing this out the kindness of your heart then?”

“Not when I’m saving up for college, no…”

“Deal.” Logan said, giving me a time and place.



And that is how I got roped into helping Logan, three days a week, for two to four hours. I guess it was worth it though, my money pot was finally harbouring something other than dust. 

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