I walked into the lounge to see the boys busy organising the party; Louis setting up the stereo system, Zayn organising food and drinks, liam moving furniture and making space for dancing, and Niall just sitting on the sofa on his phone.

"Guys... I thought It was a little get together?" This was far too much for a couple of people.

Niall giggled without averting his eyes from the screen in his palm. "Yeah Harry, when have our parties ever been small?" Niall joked earing a snigger from Zayn.

"Yeah... I was just thinking this one would be different..." I trailed off at the end.

"Harry, you alright mate? Isnt something you would normally say." Liam winked nudging me with his elbow.

I glanced at him before nodding my head and trailing off into the kitchen and pouring myself a glass of orange juice, taking a large sip and flinching as the tangy after-taste rested in the back of my throat. I turned aroud at the call of my name.

"Harry?" I heard a deep voice call from the door. it was Zayn.

"Whats up mate?" I avoided eye-contact and swirled the orange juice about in the glass.

"Was gonna ask you the same thing... you feeling alright?" He gripped a hand on my shoulder and shook it playfully.

"Yeah Zayn just nervous about the party because of my cuts and... stuff." I gestured to the bruise on my eye and zayn laughed.

"haha, nothing a little make-up cant help... right?" He winked and I rolled my eyes.

"Right fine... i'll call lou." I whiped my phone out of my pocket and started to drop her a quick text.

"Atta boy." Zayn playfully punched my stomach and left the kitchen, i laughed at his abnormal playfulness... he wasnt really the type.

I know I should of told him the truth but honestly I really dont wanna talk about my crazy dream about Blaire and my confusing feelings towards her. I should keep it all to myself

for now anyway...


I pushed past a couple of drunken dancers grinding on each other and holding red cups in the air and was faced with another snogging every inch of flesh off each other. Who are these people... do we even know them?

I looked over the crowd of faintly recognisable people and made my way to the drinks table and chugging beer down my throat feeling warm and intoxicated within seconds. I heard the beat of the music thump in my ear leading to my head. I felt dizzy and over-heated with anxiousness and uncertainty. I didnt wanna be at this party. Even though it was at our house, i felt like a stranger. I didnt fit in. Everyone was dancing and drinking and making out with any free body they could find. And there I was standing isolated at the drinks table. like a pathetic loser.

I saw niall imerge from the crowd and gestured me to follow him mouthing a word that I couldnt quite make out. I shoveled through the crowd once again and reached niall. He pulled my ear to his mouth literally shouted down it so I could hear him,

"Shes here" he shouted

it took me a while to process what he just said but when I finally did my body froze and then rush of adrenaline rush through every inch of my body ending at my head, like i was drunk on the thought of her.

"where is she" I could feel my pulse rate increase by the second.

"shes in the hall way, but harry she-" I couldnt stay for niall to finish his sentence and pushed through and towards the hall way.  

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 30, 2013 ⏰

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