The incident

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We were all having a great time once we were done training by playing video games and just laughing when we hear a loud explosion outside and we look to see what happened through the giant monitor. It was those two guys who we had ran into at our school. I got furious because I was tired of putting up with them so I activated my powers and I told my friend to do the same and we went outside. We hid behind a large tree and and when they weren't looking we ran up to them and I punched one of them in the face with a blast of water in my hand. I sent him flying and he crashed into a tree. The other one had a super powered flamethrower and pointed it right at me. Since my powers were water, my weakness was fire and that really damaged me and I didn't have the strength to keep fighting so my friends did. Brian tried fighting fire versus fire but that was no use so Rafael used the power of earth and caused an earthquake that only affected the spot he was on which made the criminal drop the flamethrower and fall down. Carlos then made a giant beam of light and blasted the guy. The police arrived and with that the guys got arrested. The police informed us that the two men were named Dakota and Barney. Dakota was an evil criminal and his assistant Barney makes him a lot of evil gadgets which allow them to keep escaping. The police contacted the mayor and a camera crew and they showed up and next thing we knew we were being interviewed by a dozen people and we kinda just wanted to leave but we couldn't because I was still injured and it would be kinda rude so we stayed. They mayor shortly showed up and rewarded us each with gold metals and gave me a 1.5 million dollar check for all four of us and said it was all a way of saying thank you for protecting our city and he hoped we could continue as the hero's of our city. We agreed and by that time I had healed so we took off. I blasted my self away while Carlos disappeared and reappeared at the hideout, and Brian and Rafael ran faster than the speed of sound. We met up in my hideout and we all questioned if we would see those guys again. Carlos asked why no one had recognized us so far because the power activation only makes our hair and eye color turn the color of our orb. I searched it up on the monitor and I found out that the hair and eye color make us impossible to recognize, only other people with orbs could recognize us because they had the power too.

Brian then asked if there were more people with orbs out there that we don't know of and then I myself started thinking about it. What if there are other people with powers that have been around us for a really long time and we never even noticed. What if Dakota and Barney have people with powers breaking them out of jail and them two have powers themselves. I then thought about it and told my friends that we needed to investigate to try and figure out where Barney and Dakota live and they agreed so we left to the 3 crime scenes to see if we could find any fingerprints and DNA samples. I went to the giant monitor and searched for all the weapons in the hideout and a giant closet door opened with a lot of high tech weapons and we got a high tech magnifying glass, high tech x-ray glasses that allow us to see everything and a high tech scanner. We left to my house because that's where the first crime scene took place so we put on our x-ray glasses and got out the magnifying glasses and looked around. We found a lot of finger prints and and what we did is we got the scanner and the scanner scanned the fingerprints and told us the identity of Dakota. We searched other fingerprints and found the identity of Barney. I instantly thought of something genius. When Rafael caused the earthquake with his powers, He made Dakota lose his balance and fall along with flamethrower gun. No one ever picked up the gun so where ever the flamethrower is it must still be at the third crime scene. We rushed to the hideout because that's where the third crime scene had taken place and at this point we didn't need the glasses or the scanner nor the magnifying glasses because we found the gun and there was a tracking device on it so we went to the place where the gun was made and believe it or not we found their hideout and we checked to investigate but at that moment we heard the alarm of their hideout went off and two kids walked out. They both had power because both of them blasted Brian. Brian was not okay since he got blasted when he didn't have his powers on.

One of the two kids had dark magic powers while the other one had metal powers. Carlos told us to stall the kid while he charged a super strong energy blast of light so I tried to heal Brian and It worked. He got up and threw fire to the kid with the metal but it did almost no damage. The kid with the metal sprung up and hit Brian with a giant metal bar but Brian tried to counter attack it. He got fire in his fists and tried to super punch him but the kid was stronger and made Brian collapse. Rafael then got mad and he made an incredibly super strong wind and blew the two kids to the wall and then charged up a leaf blast and blasted the kid with metal. Carlos was done charging the beam of light and let it all for the dark magic power kid and he was defeated. The kid with the dark magic powers fainted and we knew because his powers instantly deactivated. I then charged a water blast and shot it at the metal kid and it was really effective because he was metal and i was water so he started to rust. We all charged a blast and blasted the kid at the same time. He was also then instantly defeated. We took their finger prints and I instantly recognized them. 

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