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They had agreed to help me with stuff so we exited the pipe and went back to my old house. I left the door unlocked and we entered my house. I got a bunch of bags and loaded them up with clothes and food and stuff I need like bathroom supplies and bed cover sheets and everything. we then left my home and headed back to my hideout. When we got there, we unloaded and they helped me organize the place and by the time we were done, we were just chilling. They started asking me questions about how my powers worked and I told them I didn't know. I told them I noticed that they go off whenever I or someone else is in danger. They asked why they had gone off at school and I got kinda scared. I told them I had no idea and they said that was weird. I started to wonder if something was causing my powers to go off. I asked my friends if they wanted to go to school and see if they could find anything suspicious and they agreed so we left to the school. When we got there we saw nothing but we all got an eerie chill and we all thought we heard voices and foot steps. We were all freaked out and out of nowhere we all saw a person in the distance and we all ran and tried to get better view of the person. When we got close enough we stood still and were shaking in fear. We saw the person turn around and face us and Brian laughed and said we were all being silly, there was nothing to be afraid about and to just approach the person. As we approached the person it started to seem like if they were starting to get very blurry and were fading away. Brian called out to the person and they were perfectly clear for a second and faced us and ran at us. We ran faster than we ever ran and we got to the gate but it was locked from the outside and we turned around and the person was even further than when he started chasing us and was very blurry. He then disappeared and we were all freaked out. I had not noticed that my orb was shining really bright and I told my friends and they were shocked. A van then appears and 2 men walk out of it and we yell and ask them to unlock it for us and they did but I recognized them and they were the two men that I had fought yesterday. We ran away from them and tried to make them follow us so we could then exit behind them but my orb was shining very bright and everything went plain white and my hair and eyes were blue and I was expecting the orb to start controlling me but it didn't and we kept running.

I stopped and tried to fight back by lifting my hand and putting strength like if I were arm wrestling and it worked! I blasted one of the two guys and aimed at the other one. I remembered how when the orb had taken control, It lifted my hand and pointed to the sky and it had made a blast of water come out from under where the guy was standing so I tried it and it worked. At that moment the police showed up when I didn't expect it, I was tackled by an officer as my friends ran. They got me and the other two men and asked me who I was, what I was doing, and how I was using my powers when we got to the police station. I said my name and last name and told them that I had magical powers. They laughed and asked me how I was "Faking it,". I stayed silent and held the orb in my hand. It then activated and made my eyes and hair blue. the police and everyone else was shocked and I told them to follow me outside so I could show them my powers. They followed me and I blasted water out of my hands. I now knew how to activate my powers and how to control them a little bit. The police asked what I was doing at school. I told them that the two guys were trying to kidnap me today and yesterday. They thanked me for capturing the two guys and I then abandoned the scene. I met my friends at my new home/ hideout and they asked me what happened. I told them they just asked me questions. We played games and ate pizza and just hung out for the rest of the day. When they left I went to sleep but my orb started glowing and I heard what sounded like the loudest thunder ever. I went outside to check and I saw three more orbs right outside the trap door and it was raining like crazy. There was one with a fire logo, one with a earth logo, and one with a light logo. I got all of them and stored them in a cabinet next to my bed and went to sleep. The next morning when I woke up, I went on my phone and texted my friends to come over. They were here in less than 10 minutes and I showed them the orbs and I gave them them the password to the trap door and I said since I had more orbs, They could all have one. Brian got fire, Rafael got earth, and Carlos got light all of their own pick. I taught them how to use their orbs and powers and by no time, they were already trained... sort of. I went to the giant monitor and tried searching on how to train up so we can be better and stronger and we found videos that can only be found on the giant monitor. We trained for hours and learned more moves. We kinda wanted to reveal our identities to people but we were afraid our lives would be changed so we kept it a secret.

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