Ch.12- You jump I jump

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We reach to the first class deck, and we saw that the boats are gone. "come on Yugi." "The boats are gone, colonel is there any boats on that side." The colonel responded back to me "No sir, but there's a couple of boats that way, this way I led you." Yami and I both ran and while we were running " music while drowning , now i like First class." We were at one of the boats and I was looking at it then Yami told Ryou and Joey to look if there's any boats. "You better check the other side go."

{Mahad and Atem scene.}

"I found he's waiting for a boat with him." "Any more women or children" "anyone else men. I look at the boat "anyone else." Instead of me going to the boat I went to get Yugi.

{End of scene and goes to Yugi, Yami and Atem scene.}

"Give her to me." "daddy, daddy." "It'll be fine, don't you worry." "daddy get into the boat." "Is goodbye  for a while only for a little while, there will be another boat for daddy only this boat is for mommy and the children." I look at the family, then at the boat then at Yami and I saw Atem. "I'm not going without you." "no you have to go now get in the boat Yugi." "no Yami." "Yes get on the boat." "Yes get on the boat Yugi, my god look at you you look all fright here, put this on come on." We both look at him then I look at Yami and He took off a quilt that I had and put his jacket on me and petting my hair until Yami push me away. "Go on I get the next one." "No, not without you." "I'll be alright, listen it'll be fine i'm a survivor alright don't worry about me now go on get on." Then Atem said something "I have an arrangement with an officer on the other side of the ship, Yami and I could get off safely both of us." "See I got my own boat to catch." "Go on hurry, they're almost full." I look at Yami while an officer was helping me on to the boat and I grab Yami hand and the officer pull us apart and while we were departing I was looking at Yami. "You're a good liar." "almost good as you there's no um there's no arrangement is there." I look at Atem then he told me "No there is not you benefit much for it." I look at Atem with a "you piece of shit face." and he told me "I always win Yami, one way or another." I look at the boat then at Yami like our final goodbye, we stared at each other until I said to myself I can't live without Yami I need him. So I got up and I look at him then I jump off to run where he was at. " Yugi." "Stop him." " Yugi what are you doing." "Stop him." "No" I ran and he ran then we met each other in the first class. " Yugi, your so stupid why you do that huh, you're so stupid Yugi why you did that why." then I said to him "You jump I jump right." he smiled at me and said "Right." "Oh god I couldn't go Yami." " Is alright we could think of something." We run away from Atem because he was shooting at us.

{case scene Atem is trying to shoot Yugi and Yami.} "I hope you enjoy your time together." "What could possibly be funny." "I put the diamond in the coat, I put the coat on him." We look at there was a kid yelling. "We can't leave him." "Alright come on." we were running because the water was coming, were going up the stairs but there was a gate lock. "Wait sir open the gate please." "please help us please.." the guy tried open the door but he was nervous. "I'm sorry I drop the keys." until Yami went underwater and got them. " I got them which one is it Yugi." "The sharpe on try the sharp one, hurry Yami." "Oh no it won't go in." "Hurry Yami." we went up the stairs.

{Time skip}

We ran and I told Yami to wait because I saw Kaiba. "Wait, wait Mr. Kaiba." "Oh Yugi." "Won't you make a try for it." he look at me then said "I'm sorry that i didn't build a stronger ship young yugi." we stay looking at each other until Yami told me to come. "Is going down fast, come on we have to move." I keep looking at him and he stop me that I could give his lifebelt. "Wait, good luck to you Yugi." I look at him and then i said "and to you."

{Time skip to the violin guy's playing and people screaming trying to go back to the ship.}

"You want to walk a little faster to that valley there."

{the water is destroying everything and you know.}

We were at the back of ship and I was looking at everyone all scare and I told Yami. "Yami, this were we first met." the both of us stood there and then the ship split in half and at the other part is trying to pull us down and Yami said. "We have to move, give your hand i pulled you over, come on give me your hand come on i got you I won't let go come I got you ." then I said "What's happening Yami?." " I don't know, I don't know.'' We waited and the ship was dragging us down. "This is it." " oh god Yami, oh god." " the ship is gonna sunk us down, take a deep breath when I say. "keep going up to surface and keep kicking do not let go of my hand. we're going to make it Yugi trust me. and I said "I trust you." "ready, ready now."


There you guys go, I'm almost done with this book were almost to the ending okay guys bare with me.

Atem: Hurry up a finish.

me: Shut up Atem.

Yugi/ Yami: yeah what she said shut up.  and leave Carmen alone.

me: thanks guy's your the best 

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