“Oh, shit. Yeah. See ya.”

He disconnected the line and I rolled my face into the pillow.

Harry was my childhood best friend. He had moved here when he was 6 from England, because of some weird family issue, we were like two peas in a pod. But we didn't hang out at school, it was more so at home, he was my next-door neighbour and we got pretty close.

It was weird to think that he is back, he moved away not long after we both turned 15 and I never heard from him. it was upsetting at the time but I got over it, I knew all good things came to an end. But Harry and I weren’t just two best friends. We got real close.

We did both have girlfriends and boyfriends respectively but we both felt the need to be more experienced on everything before we dove into serious things with other people, hence him being my first kiss at age 13. We used to go into his room and make out, we called it practice but it was fun. by the time we turned 14 we had done almost everything, just one last final step. We didn't suspect any parental knowledge of our antics, they always seen us as the two little innocent cuties.

Two days after my 15th birthday and 7 days after Harry's we got it over with. Lost our v-cards, whatever you want to call it. it was the most awkward thign we had ever done, and it hurt like a bitch, but we felt like it was the ultimate thing we could do for our friendship, I never even thought about having feelings for him though. The topic was never spoken about. But 3 weeks after the first time, Harry got told he was moving in 3 days, he told me and I played it cool, why cry over nothing, we could write each other, we could text or call when we were allowed, we could email. It wouldn’t be that bad right.

It was only once he left I realised the huge part of my life he played, it was like I was missing a part of me and I cried for a few days, I felt hurt because I felt as though it was my fault, that he left because we had done it all and he wanted to go and never see me again. All silly teenage hormones feeding me bullshit.

But the reality of him coming back hit my like a train.

I flew out of bed, my head spinning. “Fuck.” I said to myself, climbing out of bed and walking into the bathroom, in search of pain relief.

I looked in the mirror at my reflection, I laughed. I looked like the train I felt like had hit me. I ran cold water and splashed it all over my face, trying to look half normal.  

I downed two pills and just leant on the counter, trying to somewhat relax. He couldn’t be back, he's not supposed to come back.

I grabbed my phone out, saved Harry's number and decided to text him. ‘you know the café down the road from the college? Meet me there in 30 minutes? We need to talk.’ It looked a little harsh as I read over the message, I added two kisses to the end.

I sat on my bed, thinking of something to wear. I looked over at Lissa, who was awake and looking at me, “What are you doing?” she said, “I’m trying to think of something to wear. I'm going to see Harry.”

“He back?” I nodded and she looked a little surprised, “I haven’t seen him in ages, tell him I say hey.”

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