Chapter 1: Stripes

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as the three enterd Death City, it didn't take long for them to draw atention. most of the civialans simply avouded them. however, Melody soon noticed serton people throughing suspicious glanses at them. she simply shrugged it off, injoying the atention. Michael on the other hand, was tarably paranoied. the young man looked every which way, fearfull they would be attacked by some meister who could see Lady Autumn's soul.

"dude, chill." commented Lucifer as soon as he noteced his brothers reslessness.

"i don't trust these people." Michael explained.

"and they won't trust us if you're all creeped out. we're here on a diplomatic mistion remember?" his brother continued.

"that's true..." Michael sighed, trying to relax. the tree walked through most of Death City without conflict, untill the reached it's heart. Death Weapon Meister Academy.

"that's a f**k tun of stairs." Lucifer staited.

"why must you cure so much." complained Michael.

"i do what i want. you're the goodie-two-shoes." Lucifer crossed his arms glaring at his brother.

"that's enough. are you coming, or are you going to stand there and bicker like an old maried couple?" Melody began up the stairs without turning to look at the brothers. Lucifer mumbled some more ungodly langege as he followed after her, Michael not far behind.


the three soon climed the last step. Michael nearly falling to his knees after the meny steps, and a strue of cuss words falling from Lucifer's lips as he too colapst. Melody however, was unwaverd. she reagested her black large brimmed hat, and smothed out her olive crech coat. her royal purple weged boots clicking as she began to aproch the entrence to the Academy. the two brother scrambled to keep up with her.

as Melody neared the door, a loud bell rang, and meny students pored out of the school. it didn't take long for the three to draw attention from the students.

"WITCH!" one boy screamed as soon as he layed eyes on her. Melody held her hands up, signaling surender.

"she can't be a witch, her soul is to... to... powerful...?" another girl commented. she had large green eyes and dirty blonde hair in two twin pony tails.

"well maybe she's a vary powerful witch then!" called a boy standing next to her. he had grey hair held back by a yellow headband. Melody senced the pair were a meister and weapon.

"i am here to speek with Lord Death." Melody staited. these children were condistioned to kill witches, and Melody knew this. 

"what the hell kinda witch is stupid enough to walk in here?!" yelled another boy. he was short with spikey blue hair. another meister by Melody's colculation, and a member of Star Clan by the tattoo on his shoulder.

"i am not a witch. i am a Sorceress." Melody clarified.

"what's difference. your a magic wealding freak." mutterd the grey haird boy.

"is that what Lord Death has tought you?" Melody wonderd out loud.

"Lady Autumn!" called Michael. the brothers had been blocked out and forgotten by the croud. Melody wealed around to see... just the person she was looking for.

"Death the Kid. how lovely to see you again. finaly found a pair of symmetrical weapons i see." she greated with a calm smile to the boy, who held a pair of twin pistols pointed at her face.

"why do you wish to see my father?" he asked, his gold eyes glared suspiciously at the dangerous socseress.

"my mother has sent me with a request for him." she answerd honestly smiling fondly at the black haired boy, she always found the three white stripes on the side of his head to be quite endearing. Kid visibaly relaxed, lowering his weapons.

"ah, i see. well in that case, welcome to the DWMA Lady Autumn." Kid placed his hand over his heart and bowed respectfuly.

"please, call me Melody."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2016 ⏰

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