Drama on the Road

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I'd gone back to the bus, leaving Marilyn to finish his meet and greets on his own. Seeing Korynne again just brought me down into a low I hadn't thought about lately.

Back in the day, somewhere around high school, Korynne showed up at my sixteenth birthday party. We were friends. Everything was perfectly fine. Halfway through the party, she disappeared upstairs. Her and my boyfriend at the time were in my own bed. Does that make it clear enough? His name was Jesse. We were so close, or so I thought. He decided to leave me that very night. I'd never felt so devastated and alone, and the last thing I'd ever want is for her to take Marilyn away from me, too.

An hour or so passed until he came back to the bus. I'd been laying in the bed going through Snapchat stories. I heard his keys hit the kitchen table, his heavy footsteps approaching the bedroom door. He sounded... Angry?

Sure enough, he was pissed. He flung the door open, and bursted in. He didn't lay down with me, he just stood there. He took in a deep breath, let his arms fall, and looked me in the eyes with utmost sincerity.

"Skye, we need to talk," he said bluntly. I cringed. Something had happened, and in that moment I knew I fucked up. I should have stayed.

"What?" I asked quietly. Every part of me shook. My heart pumped hard. This wasn't going to be good.

"You know that girl, Korynne? Yeah. So, do you want to explain to me the pictures of you with Twiggy?" I couldn't believe my ears. Twiggy?! How would Korynne even have pictures of him, nonetheless with me?!

"Marilyn, what the fuck are you talking about?!" I sat up on the bed. He pulled out his phone, and showed me the picture. It obviously wasn't REALLY me. The picture edited on was from years ago. She had cut it from a photo of my best friend and I, myself kissing her cheek. She made it look like I was making out with Marilyn's best friend. For fucks sake.

"Marilyn, god! Can't you tell that shit is bloody fake?!" I ended up yelling, and I knew it shouldn't end up that way, but sometimes it was the only way. "That picture of me is edited on there, that's an old picture..." I sighed. "I'll show you.."

I pulled the picture up on my phone. Marilyn looked at it and tossed the phone to the bed. He sighed, and his head fell into his hands. His body shook for a short moment, as he took in a long breath. He was stressed, and very obviously tired. I didn't want to touch him. He might still be angry.

"I'm sorry," he said quietly. I shook my head.

"You should know better, Brian," I whispered. My heart ached. If he thought that was real, if he thought I would do something like that to him, did he really trust me at all?

I walked out of the room and left him there on the bed. I wanted to hold him, but I felt like I couldn't. It hurt to think he believed I'd cheat on him with his best friend. My body slumped into the cushions of the couch. The best thing for me was to take a nap and try to sleep off the emotions running through my body.

Hours had passed by the time I'd woken up. It was already three in the morning. There was a blanket laid across my body, and the lights were dimmed. A crumpled up piece of paper was lying on my chest, with a lipstick stain on. I picked it up and unwrinkled it, seeing Marilyn's sloppy pen writing on it.

"My dear love Skye,

I didn't mean to react the way I did. I know you're upset and I know I should know better. Sometimes I have weak moments and that was one of them. I do trust you and I know that you wouldn't do something like that. My past occasionally creeps up on me, and the thought of you leaving me just scared me. I've never been so in love and I've never been so sure of anything the way I am with you. You're my entire world, Skye. I love you more than anything, I hope you know that. Talk to me when you feel you can. I'm so sorry.

Your love,


Tears welled in my eyes. He was sincere in his words, and my heart knew that for sure. I stood up from the couch, and stretched my limbs. My body felt stiff and slightly sore from the isolated position I was in the entire night. I made my way to the back bedroom on the bus with a long yawn. The door was shut, I opened it quietly. Marilyn was lying asleep on his stomach. He looked so peaceful, I couldn't wake him. I crawled into the bed and laid down beside him. He took in and released a deep breath, his body moving ever so gently. I placed my hand on his cold cheek, caressing under his eye with my thumb.

"I love you, I really do," I whispered. My fingers lightly traced his features. A smile slowly swept across his face, his eyes opening sleepily. His smile, god, so contagious. He moved closer to me and put his arm around my hip.

"I'm so happy you came back," he whispered. "It took all I had not to carry you back and hold you, Skye. I love you so much," he said, kissing my forehead.

Marilyn and I drifted off to sleep in each others arms, just how it was supposed to be. Bittersweet.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2016 ⏰

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