Decorating Momma's

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I got off the plane, gathered my luggage, and got into the taxi cab. "44 Lock street." I watched as the city slowly disappeared and farm land took its view. I looked at the graveyard as we rode by. My eyes teared slightly. I swallowed the lump in my throat.

"Here we are, shortcake" I blinked and looked at the white colored house. It had 4 large columns that held up balconies to the rooms. There was garland wrapped around each and had red and green lights on it. I climbed out and handed the taxi driver money. I slowly walked up the stairs. I heard gravel grinding, which caused me to turn slightly and notice a red chevy cruise. I wonder who that is... I shrugged and continued inside.

"Momma?!" I yelled and slid off my boots. All of a sudden the door flew open, and my sister, a few boys, and another girl walked in. The few boys sprinted through to the kitchen nearly pushing me over in the process.

"Mrs. Dilling?! Where's the food at?!" They shouted through the kitchen. I followed them slowly. I could smell the cookies, and whatever pasta momma was making for dinner. She turned towards the boys.

"No where you boys need to know!" She noticed me in the doorway, "Maria!" She dropped her towel she was using for her hands, and ran over to hug me.

"Hi, momma." She smiled.

"Here, let the boys take your bags and I will show you to your room!" The boys all backed up, except one who didn't notice at first, then groaned when he did. He walked over picked up my duffel bag. And we followed momma to my room, which ended up being my old bedroom. Still painted purple, with all my old jewelry boxes, and my first nutcrackers. I had loved nutcrackers since I first saw the nutcracker ballet. I had gotten one every year since. Well, not since my father died. He was the one who had bought them every year since I was 8. I lightly touched them as if they would disappear if I touched them any harder. "Set them on the bed, Steven." I turned examining this Steven character. He was very well built, black hair, maybe 6 foot, and he had amazing posture. He was very handsome. I hadn't realize I was staring until my mom clapped her hands, "Oh! My cookies!" She practically sprinted to the kitchen.

"Don't worry, I didn't notice you totally check me out." His deep voice spoke. Oh. My. Lord. Jesus. Christ.

My cheeks burned. "Umm..." he smirked and examined me almost the same way I did to him. "Now we are even." It may seem weird, but the whole cocky attitude didn't fit him. I had a goal. Figure this guy out. He turned and walked out. I looked at the time, 6:43 pm. I walked down the stairs, and all the guys, my sister and some other girl were in the living room. "Momma? Where is all the decorations? It's so plain." I sat upon the bar stool.

"They are in the attic. we haven't really decorated since... well... you know." I nodded. And I decided, Yep. I'm doing it! I snuck upstairs into the attic. And searched for the decorations. I pulled about 4 boxes full of decorations out of the attic. And there, the project began. I strung lights through hallways, on the railing of the stairs, through the kitchen, on the walls in the lounging areas. Everyone complained for being in the way of the tv. I rolled my eyes. Walking back up stairs I started putting up garland along the christmas lights.

"Would you care for some help, ma'am?" I turned, recognizing the voice.

"No, I'm fine." Which was quickly proven wrong when the garland box fell, and I tripped over the long untangled rope of garland wrapped around my feet. I sighed in defeat.

Steven, laughing helped me up and untangled me. I glanced at the nutcrackers lined along the shelf in my bedroom. "What is the deal with those?" I looked at him.

Smiling at the memories of opening one every year, I started my small story; "Well, when..." But before I could start his phone rang. I stared at the wall. He rather quickly got up and left. I sighed, and continued to decorate my moms house. The way it used to be.

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