Maria Dilling

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Christmas was always my favorite time of year. Between all the holiday themed foods, the peppermint flavored hot chocolate, all the cookies, and all the holiday joy. Today was December 23rd. I typically went home for the holidays, but my father had died. That small town I grew up in? Well it was full of memories. My mom and sister still lived there. My sister, Marissa, she was always mom's favorite where I was dads. You see, my dad was a doctor. And I took an interest in the human body in the 5th grade. I was relatively smart and everything came relatively easy to me. Learning I mean. I was more artistic than most of my friends. People always said I was blessed with smarts and arts. So in most aspects I followed my fathers footsteps. My mother loved Marissa because she was an amazing singer and athlete, much like my mom. Marissa also was more of the "stay at home and do yoga in my freetime and attend church on Sundays. I didn't mind church, but I altered much of my beliefs. Like, sure, there can be a heaven and a hell, sure, you can sin, and yeah sure, there is an afterlife up there with the angels. But the big guy? No. And that may be offensive to most but honestly he works in some cruel ways if he is real. He never once answered my prayers. Even the simplest of them all. My father passed in my last year of med school.

Oh, my name is Maria Dilling. I'm 23 years old. From a teeny tiny town; Pennellville. Now living in the big city Detroit. It's currently 10:30. and I work the night shift at St. John Hospital. I put on some spandex shorts, with my Little Mermaid scrubs a blue tank top and my matching top. This is going to be a long night.

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