October 2nd, 2018

Start from the beginning

As I stood behind the sink, washing the dirty dishes; I felt Dylan's arms wrap around my body. His lips was placed near the tender spot on my neck. "You're beautiful," he mumbled.

I rolled my eyes before turing off the faucet. "You're just saying that because you got some this morning."

"Hmm," he hummed. "No, it's because I love you."

A smile crept up on my face. "Yeah sure. I'm going to get the kids ready for the picnic, can you pack the car?" I turn to look up at my loving husband.

Dylan gave off a teasing smirk. "Okay, but you have to give me a kiss first."

I rolled my eyes playfully before pecking his cheek then lips. "We have two hours to get there, so we have to hurry."

I felt his hips coming closer to mine. "Do you think we can have a quickie-"

"Mommy, Daya is making mess." Mordecai practically yelled; making Dylan and I look towards our two children to see Daya with a face full of her own slobber.


"Guess what?" Chanel said as she gave off a large smile.

I sat in front of her at the picnic table with a questionable look. "Um, you finally have a boyfriend." I teased.

Her eyes slanted in a glare. "No, I was offered a job in California. Remember that paper signing, well one of the guys there is the second most successful business owner in the nation and he wants me to be his CEO. Isn't this exciting!"

My nod my head yes. "Of course it is. You're starting a new thing and getting out of this town, omg." I was excited on the outside, but on the inside I felt a sting in my heart. My best friend is leaving to go all the way across the country. However, I did the same thing to Kimberly and Riley. So I'm guessing this is how they felt. "I'm really happy for you."

Chanel smile reduced once she gave off a sigh. She grabbed my hand in hers, "I'm sorry to leave you."

"Chanel it's fine. I'm proud of you and your going to be a CEO, which means you're going to have a good life. I'm happy for you." I explained.

"Great, I'm glad your here to support me." She looked over the table to get a quick glimpse of Daya sleeping in the surprisingly cooling car seat. "So, how are you? Did you tell-"

I quickly shook my head. "No. I don't even think it's possible."

Chanel bust out laughing. "What? Of course it's possible, you and Dylan been doing the nasty without protection. I know you're in denial of being-" she looked around to see if the coast was clear. "Pregnant, especially since Daya is nine months. But it's possible girl."

I rubbed my temples. "Christ. Three babies and I haven't even hit the age of thirty-five."

Chanel waved my statement off with the shrug of her shoulders. "It's probably not that bad. Rather have the babies now then later. Dylan would definitely be excited, look how he is with Mordecai."

I turn my head towards the lake to see Dylan, Richard and Mordecai doing there thing. "Yeah." I agreed with her.


With a groan, I laid under the warm and comfy covers after rocking to Daya to sleep. I swear, that girl is stubborn as a mule. From my peripheral vision, I watched as Dylan stripped down to his boxers and get into bed next to me. With a deep breath, I turn to him. "Dylan, I have to tell you something."

He gave me a skeptical look. "Okay," he sounded unsure. "What's up?"

I tugged on my middle finger, "Well, remember on our second anniversary when we took a trip to Maryland and I forgot my birth control pills."

Dylan lips turned into a smirk, "Yeah."

"Well, we all know what happens when a man and woman have sex with out protection. What I'm trying to say is that I'm pregnant- close to being three months pregnant."

Dylan stared at me like he was waiting to hear more, once he realized I was done talking; he sat up on his elbow to look down at me and put his large hand under my shirt so it can rest on my stomach. "I'm glad." His voice was low.


He nod his head yes. "Of course, what would you think I would feel? You're my wife and we had sex so many times, I'm surprised you didn't get pregnant sooner. What I'm saying is, I'm happy and not mad."

I let out a breath of air I was apparently holding in. "Okay good." I pecked his lips. "Love you."

He playfully rolled his eyes, "Now you say it... Love you too."

*closes journal*

Okay, there's my tale... You can take it how ever you want. But I do advice you to choose your men wisely and you can't always trust a pretty face & a smile. Oh, I chose the man over the chocolate. Luckily I didn't choose chocolate and be a diabetic woman. That would be kinda horrible. Anywho, bye..

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