March 10th

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It has certainly been a long week...

Ten missing phone calls, over fifty messages, six emails and two Skype calls is what it took to get Robert off my back officially and to make him figure out I never wanted to see, speak or even smell his cologne again. Of course my bruises disappeared easily with a help of my grandmother's special healing crime she was able to whip up for me; I didn't want to start my official day in town looking like I've been through hell and back.

"TJ, we going tuh be late." My grandmother knocked on my door lightly.

I looked over myself through the mirror as I ran my palms down the dark blue maxi dress that covered my chest and arms and stopped at my knee; an appropriate length. Grandma actually picked this dress out for me to wear; if not anything else, she has good taste in clothing. "I'm coming," I said back, so she can mainly get away from my door.

"Well hurry, it's eight in the morning."

I grabbed my purse off the dresser and opened my door to see my grandmother dressed for church. "I have to put on last minute touches," I explained so she can get rid of the stink eye look.

"We goin tuh church, not the club." She stated before turning on her heel to walk down the steps that was practically a few feet away from my door.

"Right, because the club is better." I mumbled under my breath so she couldn't hear me.

Once we was at the bottom of the steps, she turned to me with a smug look. "Don't think Ah didn't hear that. Ah may be old but Ah have ears like uh hawk. Besides the church people would love tuh see yuh 'gain, I've been bragging 'bout yuh all week." He southern accent and speech immediately came into play once again.

"Grandma, I haven't seen the church people since I was sixteen years old.." The two of us got into my car.

"So! Ah don't give uh damn. Naw drive 'fore my ass cheeks suck in my thong."

A fit of laughter came out my mouth as I started the engine. "Your thong? Aren't you a little too old-"

"Uh naw, don't be saying that old word. Ah ain't old yet, ah still young and vibrant. Go on naw, drive."


Like when I was younger, I would always lean on the brick wall of the church and watched as my grandmother conversed with her friends and other individuals she knew after the service was over. With a sigh I lift one foot up so it can be flat on the wall, to take some weight off of it.

"Look what we have hear, the city girl.."

My eyes widened from that familiar deep voice I've heard before and obviously kept in memory. I turned my head slightly to the left to see the tall, dark and handsome Dylan Marburg; a boy that is now a man, I use to hang around with every time I would visit Bluffton. I straightened up my stance and pulled down my dress before saying: "Oh look, country boy."

He smiled, showing his dimples and his now brace-less teeth. "So you do remember me."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I have no idea. You look more mature, taller and even more ugly than I last remembered." I joked and lied. Back then he looked good, but now he look like a sexy model.

Obviously knowing that it was a joke, Dylan shook his head and laughed in amusement. "Still giving out jokes I see."

"To who ever is taking them. So how's it been? You still living in the same house?"

He nod his head yes. "Things been good. I've just moved back here from Atlanta actually."

"Atlanta? Wow, country boy turning city on me. I may have to change your name."

Once again he gave me a heartfelt laugh. "So what brings you back? You miss me?"

"You wish, I'm just staying with my grandma for awhile."

Dylan leaned on the brick wall beside us. "What's awhile? Summer? A few months? Year? People want to know, since their city girl is back looking- I can't lie you look good."

A blush crept on my face as I giggled and smooth down my hair with one hand while the other held on purse. "Maybe a few months or year, it varies. Besides, who's the people that wanted to know?"

Dylan eyes looked around before it landed on me. "Mainly the old gang."

"Wait," a chuckle passed through my lips. "They're still here? In this small town."

"Well some people can't really leave the small town life like you and I." Dylan stated with a shrug and faint smile.

My smile soon became faint as well as we stood there awkwardly, while staring at each other faces. Well, that was until my grandmother walked up to us with a smile on her face and Jesus in her heart, as she would say it. "Well hello there Dylan," she greeted.

Dylan immediately straightened up. "Hello Ms. Turner. How are you?"

"I'm good. How's your father? Is he getting better?"

Dylan nod his head yes. "Yup, he's still stubborn but we're getting there."

Getting better? The last thing I remember is Mr. Marburg being the most healthiest man in this town. Literally. He looked twenty when he was actually forty, he was strong enough to pick up a monster truck tire and he was handsome as hell; Dylan gets his good looks from him. How can he be sick? It can't be old age, since he's sixty and some change. Maybe he has a broken leg.

"Does he have a broken leg? Or arm?" I spoke up, earning the both of them to look at me weirdly.

"No," Dylan said. "He has kidney damage." He said bluntly.

I instantly felt bad. It felt like I should of know of this happening to him. Is this why Dylan left Atlanta? "You left Atlanta to take care of him? I mean-"

"Yes, I left Atlanta to watch over his bar and to make sure he's okay. I should get going, it was nice to see you again TJ and Ms. Turner." He pulled my grandmother into a hug.

Grandma pulled away and smiled up at him. "You too, Dylan. Tell your father I said hello."

"Okay," he gave me one last glance before walking away from us.

"He's uh cute little thing, isn't he?"

I huffed before walking away from her to get to the car.

"You know he is," She stated.

I drive off into the road before saying: "Please, try not to play match maker."

She waved me off. "Gah, no one trying tuh set yuh up. Ah just sayin, he cute. 'Sides, yuh don't need no man right naw. Yuh have uh little one tuh worry 'bout naw."

Right! I'm pregnant. Just thinking about it makes me cringe. It's not the having a baby part that makes me upset, it's that part whom I conceived the baby with that makes me upset.

But hey, he ain't shit. Just another man I can throw away; a piece of paper...

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