May 11th

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"Mommy!" A little brown skin girl ran for joy as she saw her mother in the distance. Her little legs stretched out as far as it can on the carpet floor of the doctors office. Her lips was formed into a toothless smile as her arms was opened wide so her mother can pick her up. Her beads in her hair made a typical annoying noise, but not too annoying where I've gotten tired of it. The mother stepped out of the room with a frown on her face, but the frown was soon turned into a smile once she saw her little girl; happy and playful.

A low chuckle pass through her lips as her head shakes back and forth from her daughter's joyful actions. Her hands cuffed under her daughter's arms to pick her up and give her a quick kiss on her soft cheek.

"Are you alright?" Dylan's voice went through my ears, making me end my stalking short.

With a sigh, I sat back in the uncomfortable chair and put my hand on my huge belly. Now five months into my pregnancy and already expressing back pain. "My back kinda hurts, but that's the usual." I stated with a small smile on my face.

But knowing me too well, Dylan knew I would not bicker over a little back pain. He gave me a look then shook his head in disagreement. "What is actually wrong? Are you having cold feet?"

"Ha! Cold feet? I think it's a little too late to go back now." I gestured to my huge belly. "Besides, I'm not having cold feet. I'm just thinking," I shrugged my shoulders.

"Thinking? About? Being a mom. Pssh, it's going to easy." Dylan said, earning a glare from me.

"Easy?!" I said louder than I attended- I also received a few funny looks from the other pregnant patients. "Says a man who doesn't have to push a huge body through her vagina," I said in a loud whisper. "And says for a man that will still have his well built body, while I grow fat in place that can not be explained." I sobbed.

Dylan sighed from my reaction before pulling me into his chest. "It's not going to be bad, I'm the only one that's going to see it anyway."

"That's what I worry about!" I shoved him away from me.

Dylan laughs- he laughs in my face like shit was funny. Well it's not! My body is going to look like a glob- An fugly glob. "Baby, it's alright." I felt his hand rubbing my back in a soothing motion.

Tears streamed down my face as I tried to get myself together before I embarrass myself anymore. "Umm, Ms. Hunter?" I heard the nurse call out my name.

"Just give us a sec," Dylan said before standing up in front of me. "Tj- baby listen, you're going to beautiful when you have this baby. I will still love your body either way."

I wiped away more tears and sniffed up my emotions before putting on a straight face. Dylan helped me stand on my feet. Once in the doctors office, I ease my way on the tall table with Dylan's help. The last doctor I had- I think his name is Phil or Philip, I don't know. Once he saw me a huge smile grew on his face, but once he spotted the talk overprotective man beside me; the smile went down into a half frown.

"Hello Ms. Hunter, it's been awhile since I've seen you. What happened during your fourth month?" He asked before setting up the equipment.

"A lot of family issues and work." I swing my feet up on the table so I can lay back. "I'm kinda surprised that I was able to make an appointment for this month." I admit as I pull my shirt up to show my huge belly.

Dylan stood on the other side of me so he can see the monitor as well. As the monitor was getting ready, Doctor Philip put the gel on my belly and soon the wand. The baby easily popped up on the screen, with its oversized grapefruit body. The last time I saw it, it was smaller- of course- but the baby body held more features; such as eyes, fingers, toes, nose and a mouth. I felt my right hand grip Dylan's hand as I felt and watched my baby move.

"Are you ready to find out the sex?" Philip asked with a small smile on his face.

I nod my head quickly- not containing anymore patience. "Y-yes." I squeezed Dylan's hand some more in nervousness. I didn't really have a request for the gender, but for the past week I've been dreaming of a little girl running around a large house- I took it as a sign of course.

With a click of a few buttons, Philip finally saw what my bundle of joy will be. "It is a-" he dragged out the 'a' before finally give us a answer. "Boy."

My gaps open in disbelief. How!? My own mind fooled me, my dreams was not a sign- it was probably me wanted an actual girl. "Boy?"

My Philip nods his head in confirmation. "Yup, a healthy baby boy. Congratulations."

"Maybe you really wanted a girl, that's why you've been having those dreams." Dylan said, like he was reading my mind. Staring at the monitor a little longer, a huge smile appears on his face. "A boy isn't that bad. He'll basically be a good kid." He said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Yeah right," I mumbled out. "Being around you, he'll probably be a flirt."

"That's a good thing isn't it?" Dylan asked before giving me eye contact. I can see the joy plastered on his face, he looked like a kid in a toy store. Smiling from ear to ear like he won a million dollars. Seeing this my made heart flutter and a smile spread wide on my face.

"Yeah, that's good." I said softly.


My back arched as a soft moan escapes my lips. "Oh god," my eyes rolled to the back of my head in satisfactory. Dylan sat behind me while massaging my lower back where the pain occurred the most. The feeling of his hands was awesome against my skin-like heaven. "Don't stop," I lean my head against his right shoulder as he gotten done finishing up.

I felt Dylan's hand on the front of my stomach before rubbing my huge belly that hung low. My body instantly turned into pudding under his warm, gentle and soothing touch. "Are you excited?" My voice was low and soft.

"Yeah," his soft plumb lips was placed on my neck- sending chills down my spine. "When he comes into this world, would you want to move in here? I mean we don't have to stay here, we can buy a house-"

"Dylan," I quickly stopped him from rambling. "I would love to move in." I slowly turned around so I can sit in front of him. "But not at this moment. The due date is in September, so we have time to have are own space. To get things together and figure some things out before we take this big step with a baby."

He nod in understanding. "I got it." Dylan grabbed my thighs and pulled me in top of him as he laid back against the pillows. With his hands on my thighs and eyes on me, I instantly felt special under his grasp. It's something about the look that your lover gives you.

A blush creeps on my cheeks as I looked away from him. "Don't look at me like that."

Dylan gave off a loud chuckle. "What look?"

"That one," I covered his eyes with my hand. "Stop," I laughed once my back hits the mattress from his actions. We stared at each other before I made the first move. His lips molded into mine.

A loud knock on the door made Dylan pull away with a huff. "Yes?" He said loud enough for Tony to hear.

"I just want to say good night," the humor in his voice was obviously relevant. "Just know I'm in the next room, it's really thin walls."

A low chuckle pass through my lips. "Good night!" I said loud enough for him to hear me. Tony chuckled one last time before walking away from the door. I gave Dylan an apologetic smile before turning on my side so my back was facing him.

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