Janury 10th

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Okay, so you all know how I started to eat chocolate; the hot bastard that was married to a Hispanic diva and also can not last for more than five minutes. (Internally sigh) He's not the only guy that I will be eating chocolate over.

We all love bad boys.... Even the good girls that obey their father's orders. Well this next guy I will by talking about is not exactly chocolate- not even in the chocolate brand. He's more like a caramel type, you know the hard caramels that's too tough to chew at first, but once it settles in your mouth it's soft and even more delicious. Well that's him. My Chico Malo...

The usual day; I get my coffee, grab a fashion magazine, drive to work and say hello as I walk to my quiet warm office that I love. But instead of a office that I love, I walk in to see a intruder. More like a roach that seems like she's going to be a around for a while.

"What are you doing here?" I closed my office door with a slam to show her I mean business.

Ivory turned to me with a smile and one of my law books in her hand. "I came to talk to you." She stated before putting the open book on my desk.

"About?" My brief case and purse hits my couch with a light thud. I walk behind my desk to face Ivory and to leave some space between us, just in case one of us has the urge to kill each other.

"My cousin needs help."

I sighed and stood up straight. "With?"

Ivory huffed and stepped closer to my neat desk that could be easily shattered if I throw her nice body on it. "He was arrested for killing a man that he never knew nor saw in his life."

"Wow, that sucks. Maybe I can give you another person, he's decent enough to win the case."

"No. I want you."

I raised an eyebrow in suspension. "Why?"

Ivory groaned and clenched her fist like she was trying to keep something in, but her lips started to move and heard six words that would always put a smile to my face, but since it's coming out her mouth; it's just Blah!
"You are a very good lawyer. From what I heard."

"Why not get David to be your lawyer? Why come here first?"

She sighed and ran her fingers through her long black hair. "You're the only person I can trust." She mumbled.

"What? Say what now, I couldn't hear you." A smirk spread across my face as I started to fuck with her.

"You're the only person that I can trust with this case." She said through gritted teeth.

I chuckled and shook my head. "Did I hear correctly? You; the woman that accused me of being a whore just two days ago, needs me to be her cousin's lawyer. Humph." A grinch smile spread across my face. "That's interesting."

"Are you going to be his lawyer or not?"

I shrugged. "I guess, but you have to say sorry."

"What!? No."

"Tsk tsk." I sighed. "I guess your cousin is just not going to make it through his case. Sucks."

"Okay okay." Ivory groaned and stomped her three inch heel on the ground. "I'm sorry for calling you a whore."


She sighed. "And for barging into your home and calling you fat."

"I still hate you." I stated.

"Ditto. So how are we going to do this, am I just going to bring him in-"

"No." I cut her off. "You're husband will see us together. You're not even supposed to know me, you are very lucky he's not in the office today."

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