April 2nd

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The sun beats down my neck as I walked up the stairs of the courthouse. I finally have a client that actually needs a wonderful lawyer like me. It was actually a serious case between a police officer and my client; a middle age black man. Like Chanel and the other say, the police brutality is hectic here and not enough victims are suing them.

I walked into the courtroom, just in time before they bring out my clients whom is still in handcuffs. His bruises was still visible and his hair turned gray from stress. As he stood beside me, I can already tell he was worried that we'll lose, but we won't.

"All rise," the court officer say as the judge walked in.

"Be seated," the judge said.

As everyone sat down I looked around and immediately spotted Chanel and Dylan in the back. The two of them gave me supporting smiles, which I needed.

"Mr. Dubbler, please step up and make your statement," The judge plain voice echoes in the court room, holding no form of emotion nor signs of favoritism.

Dubbler, the offending lawyer stood to his feet, button up his suit jacket and stepped away from the table to make his long and bullshit speech, ending it by giving me a wink and smile. With a eye roll, slowly stepped in front of the jury; eleven white, one black. Hopefully half of them hates the police or love black people, because right now I may be screwed.

"Jury, I would like to present you with Conner O'del; a middle aged, shoe business owner with two kids and a sickly wife. A man who has too much to lose. Apparently this officer excused him of violence, but my client speaks otherwise. My client is not guilty for the actions he is excused of doing. That's all," with that I walked back towards the table and took a seat.

Dubbler stood on his feet, his cheeks red and head held high. I remember the gesture from my old rival in Seattle; Fern. But Fern was having his poker face, apparently Dubbler had too much confidence in himself and that can get in the way of winning.

"Hunter," Judge Thomas called out my last name.

I immediately stood to my feet and walked in the middle of the empty space. With a deep breath I called out the officer's name. "Officer Mitchell to the stand please."

Officer Mitchell stood to his feet and slowly walks to the stand, his poker face was on point. He looked calm, and steady, like he didn't do anything that led him into this predicament. After saying an oath to tell the truth, he sat down in the chair to look at me up and down.

"Can I call you Mr. Mitchell?" I asked, earning a simple nod. "Okay then, you've been a officer for two years now, basically a rookie. You know, you went through the academy and training- have you ever seen that movie, it's a good movie with Denzel Washington. Good actor. What I'm trying to ask is, during your two years as a officer have you ever seen mistreatment or force with the individuals or even fellow officers that's been arrested?"

Mr. Mitchell only shook his head no.

"I'm sorry, you would have to use your words during this trial," I stated.

With a sigh, Mr. Mitchell answered with a no. His voice was deep and calm like his body language. "During my years of service I did not see any mistreatment nor force with fellow officers and other individuals."

"Then, you willingly mistreated my client because he was not able to get in the ground from his bad knee and back?"

"N-no," he stutters.

"I eject your honor, she's not even asking a question to my client." Dubbler rises up in protest, I didn't have to turn around to see his whole face red.

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