Feburary 6th

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I zipped up my large black suitcase before setting it next to my empty closet door. With a sigh, I walked towards my bed before flopping down in between Riley and Kimberly; my two friends.

"So, it's official. You're leaving?" Kimberly asked, I can hear the sadness in her voice.

I nod my head as I put my arms around both of there bodies. "Yes, but I'll keep in contact and I'll visit on holidays so we can have our Christmas outings."

Riley sighed. With a shake of his head, he removed my arm from his body by standing on his feet. He stood in front of me with a serious face expression I've never seen before. "Are you sure about this?"

Once again I nod my head, but that didn't satisfy his answer.

"Don't just give me a nod, give me words; an explanation why you're up and leaving with a guy you only dated for what a month? Or two?" Riley bickered.

"Riley, get off her back. If she wants to leave then let her, TJ is a grown woman." Kimberly said, sticking by my side. "But it is a stupid decision," or maybe not sticking by my side. Her to stood in front of me with a serious face expression.

It felt like I'm about to get lectured by my parents. "Listen, I know it's quick, but I love him and it seems right."

"Seems? Is that your head or vagina talking?" Riley spat.

"It's more like the heart," I stated, making them huff in disapproval.

Kimberly shook her head in disbelief. "That's even worse. I don't know TJ, in my opinion you should really wait-"

"Wait for what? The plane leaves tomorrow, I don't have time."

"You do have time," Riley said while stepping closer to me. "You barely know him, you don't know what exactly he does behind close doors. Use your head TJ, you're smarter than this."

"I used my head. I thought about it all night and all I'm getting is go along with it and see what happens at the end. Maybe it'll come out great or bad. But I have to find out on my own. Thank you, for giving me this advice and if it turns out bad; the both of you can rub it all in my face, but right now I need my friends support."

The two of them looked at me in silence before Kimberly came to me to give me a huge hug. "We're here for you, no matter what and we'll try not to rub it in your face if it turns out horrible."

Riley sighed heavily before wrapping his arms around me as well. "Yeah, what Kim said. But I'll definitely rub it in your face."

I chuckled and wrapped my arms around both of them. "Thanks."

Later that day, I decided to buy takeout for Robert and I. As I walked up to his house, I saw the door being opened and a beautiful Hispanic woman walking out. Once she spotted me at the bottom of the steps and gave me a evil scowl.

"I should warn you, Robert is a big jackass. He'll push you aside for work without a second glance." After her rant, she brushed passed me and walked towards her car.

"Um, okay?" Wow! I shook the moment away and continued to walked towards the front door. "I'm guessing that's your ex," I said as I walked in the door.

Robert huffed as he ran his fingers through his soft hair. "More like pain in the ass. You brought lunch?"

I nod my head as I lifted up the takeout bag. "I thought you needed it, since you was packing and had no time to cook." I looked around the living room to see only boxes and no furniture. "You do realize the plan leaves tomorrow, right?"

Robert grabbed the takeout bag out of my hand. "I know, I'm moving everything in storage today. Thanks for the food and your presence." He pecked my lips.

Robert walked towards the kitchen and of course I followed. "So why did your ex show up? I hope not fighting about Vincent, since he's eighteen and can make his own decisions." I hopped on the counter next to him.

"Nah, she- my mother told Sandra; my ex about you. I guess she got jealous, so she showed up at my doorstep, cursed me out and walked out just in time to see you."

I raised an eyebrow. "Your mother? Did you tell her that I was black and non Hispanic? Because I'm guessing Sandra will call her tell your mother all about me, which means right about now, you'll get a phone call."

On cue, his phone in his pocket ringed. A smirk spread on my face as he answered it. "Ma?...Yes, Sandra showed up... Well she's nice....No, her name is TJ," Robert turned to me.

I blew him a kiss and a wink; earning myself a smile. After a few minutes of watching my boyfriend speak to his mother on the phone and munching on takeout fries; The call was finally over and Robert tucked his phone into his ruined jeans.

"Your lucky day," he said as he took a fry out of my box. "She's coming over."

I shrugged my shoulders. "I guess it's appropriate since I'm moving in with her son very soon."

Robert chuckled. "Are you sure you're willing? She is a hand full."

"Please," I waved him off. "I handled worse with my clients. I got this."

I don't got this.

The short woman in front of me made my knees shake. Her stare felt like she was looking at my soul.

"Ma, this is TJ Hunter, my girlfriend. Tj, this is Zoe Vega; my mother." Robert finally stepped in.

I let out a breath of air. "Hello," I extended my hand for her to shake, but instead of shaking my hand she pulled me into a bone crushing hug.

"Oh, you're so beautiful." Her Hispanic accent was rough and obviously noticeable. Zoe was a really strong woman, I sorry for the person who'll pick a fight with her.

"Thank you," I managed to get out of her gasp. "It's nice to me you."

"It's nice to meet you as well. Robert give us some space so we can talk." With a wave of her hand, Robert was easily dismissed. The two of us stood there since there was no furniture. "How long did you know my son?"

"Um, for two months."

"Two months? You're already moving in with him."

I sighed and nod my head yes. "I know it's fast but-"

"It's okay, I'm not going to judge. Robert is a good man, he  works hard and accomplished many things. He never had a good past and I'm guessing he told you about it."

I nod my head once again. "Yes, everything actually and I accepted everything he done."

A smile spread on her face as she grabbed both of my hands. "I like you. Hopefully Robert is man enough to give you a ring."


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