January 15th

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Robert is just perfect. For the past four days, he has treated me so nicely; not because I'm his lawyer or is it because I'm his lawyer. Never mind that. Anyway, he's a really nice guy and unfortunately we did not have sex yet. Truthfully I'm going to make him work for it, instead of me throwing myself at him. Like always...

"Hello, earth to TJ." Riley snapped his fingers in front of my face; kicking me out of my day dream about Robert.

"Oh, sorry. I was just thinking." I chuckled and flipped open Vincent file.

"Thinking about Robert. You already went through that file." Riley stated. He's right I did go this file, but it's good to take a look again. Besides it's something in here that wasn't right.

"Since you went through the files-"

He scoffed and rolled his eyes. "You're still on that?"

"Yes. Anyway, since you went through my files. One of the arrest forms said Vincent was arrested on December twelfth and they held him for six days."

Riley nod. "Yes. Where are you getting at?"

"Anthony Brown was murdered on December fourteenth."

Riley looked at me for second until he finally got the hint. "Ohh, so how can Vincent commit the murder if her was in jail. Oh shit, one point for our team."

I chuckled and shook my head at his foolishness. "Can you call the police department? I want the guy who arrested Vincent to come to court today. His name is Aston Bernie."

"What if he's busy today?"

"We'll call his chief executive officer and tell him Ms. Hunter called."

Riley smiled and nod before walking out my office and too his desk. Meanwhile, I went over more files that can help me win the case.

A light knock echoed in my quiet room; making me finally look up from the boring, but important information in front of me. "Come in." I said loud enough.

Soon Kimberly stepped in with a large carry out bag with Riley walking in behind her. "Lunch time." She said before setting the bag down on my brown coffee table.

"Oh. It's one already." I looked at the clock on the wall to see the short hand on the one and the large hand on the six; 1:30. "I guess I was to busy with the files." I get up from my chair and walked over to my leather couch to sit on the end by Kimberly. "What did you buy?"

"Your favorite. Beef and broccoli with a egg roll and white rice." As she said my favorite take out meal, she sets the containers in front of me. "How's the case so far?"

""It's going great." I separated the chopsticks in my hand. "I think I'm going to win."

"I guess you didn't hear." Kimberly said before turning to Riley. "You didn't tell her didn't you?"

"Um, tell me what? Please don't tell me they got a new lawyer."

Kim looked at me then shook her head. "No, worse. David is going to be the other attorney that's going against you. He'll know that you and what's her name know each other."

"Ivory and who cares." I shrugged. "That's what he gets for cheating on his wife." I put a piece of beef in my mouth. "Thanks for bringing me food."

"You are welcome." Riley said. "I suggested we should get take out, since the both of you never heard of breaks nor leaving your office during cases."

"What case are you working on Kimberly?" I asked; ignoring Riley's accurate statement about us.

"The Richmond case." She beamed.

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