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I sat there staring at Kelsey in disbelief. Why would we just sit here? I don't want to sit idly by if they're going to do something that could get them killed. I watched out the window as Kelsey walked beside us. My mind couldn't understand how she even was walking with him and she was in control. She might be tall, but he was twice her size!

She stopped suddenly, holding up a hand to stop the car. Lexi slowed the car to a stop. It jerked slightly as it was put in park.

"One of you guys need to get in the driver's seat. We need to be ready for a fast get away," Lexi turned and looked at us. "No matter what you hear, do not follow us. You hear me?"

The four of us nodded as Will got out to switch places with Lexi. I scooted closer to the window and rolled it down as Lexi looked back at us again.

"Keep it running, boys," she smiled and saluted before she turned to join the others.

Kelsey and the others disappeared through the brush soon after. Now it was just us. There was only the sound of the quiet engine running and the rustle of wind blowing through the plants surrounding us.

"I don't like this," Kyle muttered. "This doesn't feel right."

"Feel right morally or just feels sketchy?" Will frowned.

"Both," Kyle shrugged and opened the car door. "I need some air."

"Me too," I opened my door and got out.

"This just screams wrong," Will frowned, looking Kyle and me in the eye as we stood around the rolled down driver's side window. "We need to get out of here."

"I don't want to leave them!" I frowned. "I get that it feels weird, believe me, I feel it too. But you do realize that Kelsey's mom is still kidnapped, regardless."

"I understand, but her answer about her gun? That didn't sit well with me," Will shifted uncomfortably in his seat.

"Yeah, but we don't know how witness protection works, remember?" Woody leaned forward and stuck his head through the gap between the driver's seat and the passenger's seat to join the conversation.

"I guess you're right," Will nodded, looking forward through the windshield.

Off in the distance, I heard yelling.

"Should we-" I didn't even get the chance to finish.

"No, Lexi told us to stay here," Kyle answered sternly. "We need to be ready."

"You're right," I nodded. A knot formed in the pit of my stomach and I felt sweat begin to drip down my forehead and back. It wasn't that it was hot, it was the fact the something didn't feel right. Something definitely wasn't right.

Then, a scream pierced the air.

Before I knew what I was doing, my feet were racing toward the source. I heard the others yelling at me to come back, but I wouldn't. I couldn't. Something just happened, something bad. The crunch of gravel sounded and I knew they were hot on my tail.

We were led to the house by the sounds of an animal fight. That was weird, I don't recall seeing any animals on our way here. Not even deer, and I thought deer are supposed to be all over this area.

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