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About a week after Kelsey invited those guys to stay with us, I woke up in the middle of the night, seemingly for no reason.

As I tried to fall asleep, I just couldn't stop thinking. On top of having to keep my girls safe, I'm now having to watch out for four guys. I'm mad at Kelsey for bringing them, but I'm also proud of her for making some friends. Normal, human friends for once. Not that I have a problem with her being friends with supernaturals, though. If I were her, I'd want to be surrounded with people who were the same as me, humans. Although, that just might be because I am a human. I imagine if I were a werewolf, like Kelsey, things would probably be much different.

After about ten minutes of laying there, entertaining these thoughts, I decided to get up and get a drink of water. As I crept down the hall, avoiding all the loose floorboards that creaked loudly, I passed Kelsey's door. I noticed that it was cracked open slightly. That was something that wasn't very common for her. She always keeps her door shut and locked, same with the windows in her room. That way, she'll know when people try breaking into her room.

The fact that her door was cracked open troubled me, so I quietly opened the door and stuck my head in. She was sleeping soundly, no movement in the room at all. I pushed it open more and looked around the whole room. There was nothing out of place. Her door was just cracked open. I shook my head and silently closed her door.

As I continued to silently walk down the hall, nothing was out of place. But, an uneasy feeling started creeping throughout my body. I'm not sure where this feeling was coming from, but it was definitely here.

I tried to shake the feeling out of my mind as I finally made it to the kitchen. Maybe something to eat or drink would help, it usually does.

"Oh, hello!" A voice came from behind me. Startled, I jumped, even if I knew it was only one of the guys, as the accent told me. I turned and saw Dan standing in the doorway. "Sorry to startle you, I was only coming for a drink."

"It's okay," I chuckled, pulling out the bread from the pantry to make myself a sandwich. "Would you like anything to eat while I make myself something?"

Dan shook his head politely, "No, but thank you."

"No problem," I smiled and started making my sandwich. We fell into a silence, but it surprisingly wasn't that awkward. "So, what brings you to America?" I asked, trying to make friendly conversation.

"We've heard of the festival for a long time now and we finally saved up enough money to come over here."

"You're just here for the festival?"

"Pretty much. We thought maybe we could go around and check out New York City, too. Now that we met your... daughters?" Dan made a face as if he wasn't sure whether he could label Celeste, Rose and Lexi my daughters. I nodded to let him know it was okay. I like him, he's very respectful. "Well, now that we've spent some time with them, we're definitely going to be checking the city out," Dan chuckled.

"That's good," I nodded and leaned against the counter to eat.

"What's Kelsey like?" Dan asked suddenly.

"What do you mean?" I raised an eyebrow, taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Sorry, that's weird," he put a hand over his face and shook his head in embarrassment. "What are her favorite things to do? Like any hobbies? Talents? That kind of thing."

I raised an eyebrows at him. "Why do you ask?"

"Just to get to know her better," Dan hesitated.

"You like her," I squinted in his direction. "Don't you?"

"N-No..." Dan turned bright red.

"It's okay. I don't mind. Kelsey doesn't get to meet a lot of people. We move around too much for her to get to have real friends," I lied. This was our cover story for why Kelsey doesn't have a lot of friends other than the girls.


"Yes. So, thank you for being so nice to her."

"She's fun to be around," Dan turned a little red again. "I don't think I've met anyone else that I want to be around like I want to be around her. Not even my mates. I just get so chuffed to be around her sometimes," he smiled absentmindedly. I knew that smile. That's the smile you get when you think of your crush.

"Well, all I can say is talk to her. I bet she's into you too. She doesn't befriend just anyone, ya know?" I saw Dan smile out of the corner of my eye as I put my plate in the sink.

"I will tomorrow! Thank you," Dan smiled warmly.

"No problem," I smiled back. "We should get some sleep."

"Yeah. That's a good idea."

"I'll tell Kelsey that she should take all of you guys out to see the city tomorrow."

"That's so nice of you! Thank you!"

"It's not a problem. And thank you again for being so nice to my daughter."

Dan smiled and nodded before shuffling in the direction of the room he was staying in. I watched him go and smiled to myself. He was a good looking boy, one that I wouldn't mind dating Kelsey. I smiled to myself as I started walking down a different hall to my room.

La Lune // Bastille (ON HOLD)Where stories live. Discover now