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When the sun finally rose the next day, I was wide awake. The entire night, I'd just stared at the ceiling and let the awful thoughts come and go as they pleased. But it was mostly come and never go. They piled up on top of each other and let my anxiety build.

As soon as the sun was up, I frowned and sat up in the bed. The house was still dead silent. Not a thing moved or made a sound. I walked over to the window that Lukas had escaped through last night and gazed out. The forest was still. Not a breath of wind howled through the trees.

Finally, I turned away and walked out of my room into the hallway. I shuffled down the dark walkway and smelt the always present scent of the blood get stronger. The scent has made my cravings stronger and more uncontrollable as the night wore on. I came extremely close to going out in the woods and tracking the Pack down myself and ripping them apart, but I held my mind together. Barely. As soon as I was out in the kitchen, I had to find fresh meat.

There was nothing in the fridge or the freezer. Frustrated I slammed the door shut with a loud bang. And right as I was about to stalk about of the door, Lexi stopped me.

"Kelsey? What are you doing?" she stood in her pajamas in the end of the hall leading to the front door. "Come back, you're about to do something stupid."

Without a word, I closed the door and felt a little bit of anger add on to the pile already mounting inside me. It's not even that fact that I felt mad at Lexi, because I didn't. She was literally just doing what she's supposed to do. She's my Guardian, she's supposed to keep me out of trouble.

"Can we get them up?" I muttered lowly.

"I'm willing to bet money that you didn't sleep at all last night, did you?" Lexi raised an eyebrow suspiciously at me, balancing her weight on one hip as she leaned against the wall behind her.

"No, what'd you expect?" I spat in response and pushed past her into the hallway leading to my room. If I wasn't going to satisfy my cravings this morning, I'll just sit idly in my room.

"Kelsey, stop." Lexi said harshly, grabbing my arm tightly.

"What?" I twirled around to growl in her face.

Lexi closed her eyes as I towered over her, glaring daggers into her soul. "Look, I get it. You're stressed. Believe me, I am too. But now's not the time to let your dark side get the best of you." Lexi did her best to keep her voice even, but I could smell the fear rolling off her.

I ripped my arm away from her grip. "What makes you think I'm going dark?" I sneered.

Lexi frowned deeply and glared at me.

Right when I was about to turn to continue to my room, I found that I couldn't move. I was literally frozen in place. I couldn't even move my eyes.

"Kelsey, Lexi's right. Keep your head on straight. And never wake me up like this to a fight ever again. I never want to see you in this mood this early in the morning, or else." Rose crossed into my field of sight, one hand held up, flexing as if she was gripping an invisible baseball. She suddenly clenched the hand into a fist and I felt as though all my insides had been put into a vice that someone was tightening. I wanted nothing more than to cry out in pain, but my mouth wouldn't move. I was stuck in soundless, emotionless agony.

La Lune // Bastille (ON HOLD)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें