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That night was unnerving. Kelsey was actually scarier in person as a wolf than I'd ever expected. I've always heard about the werewolves, but they usually keep to themselves. Growing up, I didn't even know that werewolves were real. I thought they were just the stuff of legend. But when I went before the Grand Council and they told me that my Assignment was a werewolf, the entire Council Room fell silent. My former teacher came up to me and offered to educate me for the next year about werewolves. But then I got another shock, my Assignment came from the Black Moon Pack. Then my teacher offered to help me with extra defense maneuvers and new ways to stay hidden.

All the stories couldn't even prepare me for the real thing. Human legends don't even come close. Hybrid forms are scary enough, but you don't realize how much they grow. I swear Kelsey was like twice her size, she was scary big. And when she went full wolf, I think she was almost as tall as me!

When I finally did fall asleep, it wasn't without fear that something bad was going to happen. I'm not sure why this feeling kept coming to me, but it did.

* * * *

"Okay, it's morning. Where's Kelsey?" I sighed as I ran my fingers through my hair and let them fall at my side.

"I don't know, but I'm worried about her," Celeste agreed. "I hope nothing happened to her."

"She's a werewolf, it's not like anything would attack her. I'm just worried that she lost control," I muttered, a slight hint of bitterness in my tone. "Maybe I shouldn't have made her go out like that. What if something did happen to her... What if Mason and Keenan found her... What if she went dark side after all these years! What if her mind finally got the best of her and she killed someone!" I felt adrenaline rush through my body and my heart rate sped up. Anything that involves the possibility of Kelsey going dark side scares the shit out of me. Even more so now that I've seen how scary she actually is.

"No, Lexi. Calm down. I have faith in her," Rose smiled reassuringly.

"Well, I guess we should go out looking for her," I sighed and started moving towards the entrance to the tent. After I unzipped it, I noticed something. The campground wasn't in ruins. In fact, everything was going on like there wasn't a missing werewolf on the loose. Then, I saw why there wasn't a disastrous scene unfolding in front of me. Kelsey was talking with the four guys we had met yesterday outside of their tent.

"Oh, look, your friends are awake." Woody smiled as we stepped out of the tent.

"Yeah, we're up," I shot Kelsey a glance. She just shrugged.

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go!" Kyle jumped up and started off towards the festival grounds. Dan stood up and held out a hand to help Kelsey up. I smiled to myself at the sight. Then we were off, back to the festival.

As we were walking to the stages, Kelsey slowed down to catch up with Rose, Celeste, and me. "So, what happened last night?" I raised my eyebrows at my best friend.

"I just went exploring," Kelsey shrugged. "Nothing happened. I came back early and just sat outside of the tent, watching the sky. It's really pretty out here, ya know."

"Oh, cool! We should watch tonight," Rose smiled.

I just kind of looked at Kelsey like she was a clone. She wasn't really my Kelsey. She wasn't the girl I've known for the last seven years. She's different. It's like she's more laid back. There's a weight that's been lifted off her shoulders and it's like she's easier to be around, if that even makes sense.

La Lune // Bastille (ON HOLD)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें