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I cracked my eyes open, not recognizing where I was at first. But soon, I realized I was in the house that Kelsey owned. The lights were off and it was seemingly dark outside and approaching nighttime. The soft sound of rain landing on the roof was calming, and it left streaked patterns in the late evening light down the window I was facing.

The more I woke up, the more I remembered about the weird dream I'd had. It was the weirdest thing. I sat up in the bed I was laying in, rubbing my head. A headache was beginning to bloom.

"Oh, you're up!" Kyle's voice sounded cheerily from beside me.

"Yeah..." I frowned, wincing at my touch. My head was tender to the touch. That's weird, I don't know what would be causing that.

Kyle must've noticed my expression of confusion. "Do you not remember?" Kyle frowned and turned on a lamp. He had dark circles under his eyes and his face seemed hollow. Something was definitely wrong, but I don't remember what.

"What don't I remember?" I tried to sift through my brain with a fine tooth comb. I had to remember something. Meanwhile, panic took over my brain. What if someone died!

"What's the last thing you remember?" Kyle leaned forward, propping his chin on the heels of his hands. He quirked an eyebrow in my direction.

"Um, I'm not sure," my frown deepened as I realized I couldn't pinpoint exactly what the last thing I remembered was. "Well, I do remember the dream I just had."

"Do tell," he seemed a little too interested in the dream. More interested in a stupid dream than I've ever seen him.

"Well, Lexi and Celeste were there. They were angels, like they had wings. It was so weird. And Kelsey was a dog for some reason. I don't know where all that came from, but that's what happened," I chuckled at the dream. But Kyle's frown only deepened.

"So, you do remember," he sat back up, a smile painted across his face.

"What? It was a dream. That wasn't real."

"But, it was. Don't you remember? When we saved Kelsey's mom, we realized our friends weren't exactly who we thought they were. They were so much more."

"Kyle, that's crazy talk," I shook my head.

"Dan, you need to listen to me. Okay, I know this is going to sound crazy. Hell, earlier today I wouldn't have believed a word I'm about to say and I would've thought I needed to be admitted to an asylum. But you need to believe me. It'll make this whole thing a hell of a lot easier."

"Okay, fine," I turned so I was facing Kyle better.

He took a deep breath and scrunched his face up, like he was trying to think carefully about the words he was about to say. "I'll prove it to you in a second, but that dream you had wasn't a dream. Lexi and Celeste are Guardians. That means they're what us humans would call angels. They do have wings, Dan. That's real. And Kelsey was a dog, kind of. She's a werewolf. And her pack is after her and her mom, that's why she didn't want us coming with them. They could've killed us." The color slowly drained out of his face.

Judging by the serious expression he was giving me, I knew he wasn't lying or playing a joke on me. This was real. A nagging feeling at the back of my mind told me it was real, but I didn't want to believe it. This is all too weird. That would also mean that I've fallen in love with a werewolf. An actual thing that could rip me apart. But Kelsey never scared me, granted I didn't know what she actually was. But even now I don't feel that scared. I feel like I should be, but I don't.

La Lune // Bastille (ON HOLD)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ